Congress discussed in early July and clarified the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, and Foreign Minister Vivian rented Black and White Houses , Singaporean politics, who thought it was often boring and impressed, would return to the normal state of" no new things ".

Unexpectedly, less than a few days after the Congress ended, when the parliament chief Chen Chuanren was revealed that when he had a meeting in the Congress, he "murmured" when he forgot the microphone.News/Singapore/Story20230711-1412905 "Roth = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Criticive Workers' Party Member Lin Zhiwei , causing him to have unreasonable public opinion when he as the parliament president.

Then, the Minister of Transport Yi Huaren was arrested and surveyed by the Corruption Bureau, and instantly became international news.

When the streets were still talking about this, there was a thunderous thunder on Monday (July 17), and the peach -colored scandal broke out in the two parties of the court.

Yi Huaren is Wang Xingxing, an executive director of the hotel with the introduction of Singapore F1 world -class Formula, was required to help the investigation.Because the investigation is still ongoing, and it involves criminal cases. At this stage, everyone should not speculate deliberately, and can only be treated with water.

However, Singapore's politics has been interested in cleanliness. Corruption has been the most unbearable for the People's Action Party, which has been in power since the founding of the country. The minister may be involved in corruption, the people are surprised, disappointed, and even angry.

As for the Hand "Video , which burst out several hours apart on the same day, also made people who had not returned from the Yi Huaren incident uproar.

The Prime Minister's Office and the People's Action Party announced the news that they accepted Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui resigning to retire from the party on the same day, so that this scandal was well known.Premier Li Xianlong also held a press conference immediately to face the media's question directly, explaining the DAP government that has been in power since 1959. Realizing that this political crisis is just like in the past when dealing with any major events, he must be sincere and give the people a one to the people.Exposition.

The Workers' Party first stated in a brief statement to investigate the incidents of Belice and Xue Xueling. After the party's leadership meets the discussion, the secretary general Bi Danxing and the chairman Lin Ruilian held a press conference on Wednesday to explain to the public.An and Xue Xueling acknowledged that the two had an extramarital affairs and chose to retire from the party for the first time by the party leaders more than two years ago when the party leaders asked the truth about the matter for the first time.Like Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui, Belice also resigned from the position of members.

Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui, Bei An and Xue Xueling, ended up so embarrassing, making people frustrated.Although the Qing officials are difficult to break the housework, the feelings between men and women are actually difficult to say, but people are collapsed, and scandals are well known. They are harmful to their spouses, children or other family members.

The temptation of power and money is omnipresent, and this is the case for anyone.However, for politicians, such temptation and lethality is greater.As a result, politicians must also be strictly disciplined, and in the face of any temptation, the first level that resists is to clean and love.

In Singapore, the people generally have high standards for the people of the Consumer. Not only will they expect their high political ambitions and leadership skills, but they also care about their private ethics.Since the founding of Singapore, most of the politicians' actions are upright, so people generally respect political leaders.In the future, no one can predict whether the politicians can still maintain a respectful position.

After the negative news of one after another, whether it is the ruling party or the opposition party, it is definitely difficult to get in politics that they are willing to accept the sages who are willing to accept the people who are willing to accept the people.Especially in the Internet age, even if there is no difference in the wrong way, the politicians must have a strong heart and a broad mind to bear the ridicule of various netizens, and even false remarks.However, no matter how difficult it is, no political party can still reduce standards because of good politicians.Choose sage and ability, do not flow into the virtual table.

Whether it is extramarital affairs or corruption, it is neither unprecedented in politics, I am afraid it will not be a rear.All political parties can only double their efforts to win the trust and confidence of the people, and also do their best to avoid the rooting of similar bad atmosphere on the political soil in Singapore, which makes the soil deteriorate, causing the people to help the people in the end.Select some that seem to be not bad.If it evolves to that point, the country's future will be unimaginable.

This July, the news is too explosive.As a news media person, the more popular news, the more exciting, but as the people, such incidents have never happened.