Source: United News Network

Author: Zhao Jianmin

The importance of this election this time has not been seen before, and it may decide the cross -strait and the future of war. Paradoxes are that the publication of political opinions rarely touches the issues of cross -strait issues.On the other hand, the Financial Times reported that the United States requested Lai Qingde to clarify that the statement of entering the White House's political goals was reached, and it was obvious to strengthen the intent of the Taiwan Strait.

A few days ago, the Economist Information Agency issued a report, saying that if the Taiwan Strait broke out, almost nearby countries would be fatal; Bloomberg Specialty introduced that Taiwan's submarine cables are extremely fragile.

The chip supply shortage during the epidemic period, the car manufacturer is called bitter, and Western countries have discovered that 60 % of the global chips and 90 % of the high -end chip manufactured in Taiwan.spread like wildfire.US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that dependence on Taiwan chips is unsustainable and unsafe; McCawl, chairman of the Foreign Committee of the House of Representatives, said that Taiwan's semiconductor industry's external invasion is very fragile and it is urgent.; The stock god Buffett exits the Clear Stock Power holding, and the US government has launched a chip bill to subsidize the establishment of factories in the United States. The European Union has also begun to strengthen science and technology sovereignty.

In order to reduce the impact, Taiwan demands the United States to reduce his speech on the Taiwan Strait.After Pelosi visited Taiwan, 40 % of the members of the United States re -evaluated the risk of crisis in the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce.According to the research of Lu Bomai's investment, after the Sino -US trade war, many Taiwan's high -tech industries moved to Southeast Asia.

Bloomberg stated in another report that if there is a situation in the Taiwan Strait, 14 submarine cables in Taiwan will be easily broken.At the beginning of the year, the two cables connected to Matsu were cut off, causing residents to have no Internet available in the past two months.The government has been in contact with SpaceX four years ago, hoping to launch at least 30 low -altitude communication satellites, but it must not enter.

Faced with the national security crisis, the government may guarantee investment security from international enterprises, or call on international friends to talk about the risk of Taiwan Straits less, and even require chip factories to cooperate with overseas factories.In the future, the president must have the ability to manage cross -strait disputes on both sides of the strait and fundamentally eliminate the risks of cross -strait.Here, Bayeng's government's approach may be available.

In view of Lu Fang's allegations of "emptying one middle" at the United States, the first content of the newly responsible management and control policy of Bayeng government is to restrict Taiwan.In the visit to Brinken a month ago, one of the reasons for the success of US -China relations in the past was "controlling Taiwan."A few days ago, when the Indo -Pacific Commander Aquirino attended the Security Forum, in addition to recitation of the policy of recitation, the new connotation of opposition to Taiwan independence and opposition to cross -strait one -sided change of the status quo was added.From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand why the United States asked Lai Qingde to clarify the White House.

In addition to constantly re -confirming the mutual trust foundation in the United States and China, the Bayeng government also adopts the principle of separation of political and economic separation to reduce differences. For example, when Yellen visit, it carefully defines economic compulsory measures from a professional perspective;When Chinese leaders meet, they specially propose a two -managing policy of climate and political separation.

The reason why the United States proposes to China to control Taiwan is mainly because in the Taiwan Strait issue, Taiwan is neither responsible nor management.In response to Guo Taiming's investment in the United States, the MAC replaced "there is never a framework", only the principle of eliminating the first Chinese Central China of the Republic of China, and requiring the land to "unconditionally talk to Taiwan."

If there is no "one middle framework", what is the policy of the United States in the United States?The policy of the United States does not recognize the Republic of China. Why is the government relying on it?Lai Qingde is about to transit the United States, and the State Council expresses three principles: it is in line with the policy, unofficial, and non -access. What is the set of conditions?

Aiming at the invitation of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation to visit Lu Sheng, the assessment of the MAC turned out to be "coming to Taiwan for the United Front and manipulating public opinion."As long as the National Security Bureau speaks, it is always the mainland's "cognitive operations" for me. Recently, the high -level national security senior officials said to the media, saying that Lu Fang banned Taiwan's agricultural and fishery products because of quarantine reasons to affect Taiwan's elections.

The land side has touched the Taiwan Strait with military means. In order to reduce risks, the United States began to restrict Taiwan. The national security department should work.

The author is the Dean of the Academy of Social Sciences of Culture University