Source: Yangzi Evening News

Recently, Mr. Wu, who lives in Nanjing, Jiangsu, reported to Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News, saying that he has been hired 3 times in the same food company, but every time he joined, the factory personnel manager refused to be for it for it.It was applied to the employment and said that the cancellation was canceled, which made Mr. Wu think that he was foolish.What is the truth?The reporter launched an investigation.

Undergraduate Factory Application: Cancelled up for 3 times

Mr. Wu is 39 years old and lives in Laishui District, Nanjing. In 2007, he graduated from a 211 university in Jiangsu.

In May 2022, Mr. Wu first applied for the position of general operator of Nanjing Zhongmao Food Co., Ltd. in Nanjing Zhongmao Food Co., Ltd..The photos are reported to go through the procedures, but then they let me go without going. "Mr. Wu said that the explanation given by Mr. Tu at that time was that the academic qualifications were too high.

Mr. Wu also explained to reporters that applying for this factory is not head -up. "It is really close to my house. It only takes 10 minutes to go, and the salary of 5,000 yuan is okay.It has been explained that it can be adjusted to other positions, but they just insist on canceling the recruitment. "Later, Mr. Wu had to give up and chose to go to work in other factories.

In October 2022, Mr. Wu again applied for the food company again. "This time the personnel commissioner's surname Liu is not the same person as the first time."When the factory reported it, it was again canceled by the personnel manager. "After I remember that after I came, Mr. Tu and the personnel commissioner who recruited me in the personnel manager said a few words.I explain the reason. "

In June 2023, unwilling to apply for the food company again through offline recruitment.Mr. Wu said that the second time he hired his Liu's personnel commissioner once again hired himself."At that time, I went directly to the factory, and Commissioner Liu asked me to fill in my personal information form. She should not recognize me. After filling in, she told me that I could bring the information to the job tomorrow.After the past, I said that I would not hire me again. "Mr. Wu said that at the beginning, they did not give a reasonable explanation.P>

Company Personnel: His values are different from ordinary people

Mr. Tu, the personnel manager of the food company involved in the food company, responded to the Yangzi Evening News Zi Niu Journalist. "We never said that Mr. Wu was hired, but only registered, because when I communicated with him for the first time, I went to him.It is found that his values are different from ordinary people. "

"Mr. Wu did come to our factory in May 2022 to apply for ordinary operators." Mr. Tu told reporters, "At that time, we found that he had such a high degree to apply for our company's general workers.Logically, I can't say. Later, I found in the exchange with Mr. Wu that his values are different from ordinary people, so I did not give any admission. I have never given an explanation from Mr. Wu because of the high degree. " Mr. Tu said that the three hired hired by Mr. Wu were just registered with the personnel supervisor."Maybe he thought that as long as it was registered, he was accepted. When he got a job for the third time, after the first day of registration, the interview was arranged the next day, but he felt that he had been hired on the first day, The next day came to report. "

Mr. Tu said that after Mr. Wu's third job job did not report to the police at that time, the police also mediation also made a mediation. "Afterwards, our personnel supervisor also apologized to Mr. Wu.Cause misunderstandings. Because if we hire job applicants, we will give them a note as a voucher, which will write clearly on it. "

The saying of Mr. Wu's "personnel notification with ID cards, bank cards, and photos", Mr. Tu said, "This is only the director Liu and Mr. Wu who are responsible for recruiting at the time, but now the two parties have their own one who holds one of them one.From the perspective of existing evidence, it is impossible to confirm who said it is true. Afterwards, Director Liu told me that at the time, the two sides could have some deviations in the understanding of communication and communication./P>