BBC (BBC) recently played a documentary about social celebrities who were not tracked by the media by the media. A model said that if she can come back, she will not be public figures. The public figures are veryDazzling and enjoying some kind of privilege, but private space and freedom are priceless.

This July Singaporean politics is surprisingly lively, and even wrong. Several incidents are not only public figures, but also politicians. Political figures in Singapore are the heights of various standards., Moso.From politics, the price is very high.

Cleaning integrity is the foundation of Singapore. It is not even corruption for officials and people of the people. It is necessary to strictly adhere to high and ethics. This is the basic requirement for politics in Singapore.

In fact, the definition and responsibility of the Chinese and English "public figures" all indicates that the public figures have the advantageous position that the average person does not have because of its own identity, and the words and deeds have certain influence. It should become a model of public morality and social responsibility.The so -called wanting to wear a crown must be inherited.

In other words, Singapore's administration requirements are actually not beyond the standards of public figures, but when maintaining such standards and systems, Singapore has a very strict control mechanism.Make sure that there are any standards and goals, and do it.This operation is even more obvious to the public sector.Although there is still a hundred secrets in reality, there are still horses of harmful groups, the unspeakable discipline requirements and strict control systems can ensure that Singapore can still operate steadily even if there is negligence or horses that harm groups, and the people of the country have not been greatly affected.

This may be the details and follow -up results that we should pay more attention to and review in several recent political figures.There is no system to ensure that all poison is not invaded, and all seduce is not confused, but it must be ensured that it will not be vulnerable and people destroy the country.

From the Minister of Communications Yi Huaren was investigated by the former Speaker Chen Chuanren and Danbin TanbinThe former member of the Niji Constituency Zhong Lihui Extra-marriage , and the former member of the worker Party Ayu Ni Constitution, Beli, andThe Party's Youth League of the Party, Shi Xueling, also Extratery of marriage tests the attitude of the party's responsibilities and handling issues.; Test their family members and their party and service agencies' response and wisdom.

There is also a very important test -it has always been ignored, the public itself.What are the requirements and views of these events, what kind of thinking do you do, or what kind of awakening or warning do you want the incident to bring?Without thinking, it is limited to the infinite abuse of the ruling people ’s action party, sympathy for the Workers' Party, or just treating these political scandals as a political joke to watch, and we are not responsible for citizens.

It's not the time to watch the drama now.Because these incidents are even more prominent, whether it is a state, public and private institutions, or any political parties and organizations, they need to lead and serve the guilty, integrity and integrity. In particularsystem.Such a system needs to be established and joined, and the people also need to love and respect together.

When discussing incidents, if the public has double standards to the people in the country, whether the people in the system are right or wrong is a courageous abuse.The strong signal of hard work ".The two standards treated the opponents' mistakes, giving greater sympathy and tolerance, which is not beneficial to the growth of the opponent.When political parties are not strict with self -discipline and looseness, and lack of self -requirements and supervision mechanisms, it is difficult to prevent political parties from rotting.Once the general public has repeatedly issued the wrong information of the opponent's double standards and fluke, this will only harm the opposition party.Singapore needs a healthy political ecology, including integrity, and a sound mechanism for the country.

The DAP has always had a set of its national crisis and political crisis. The consistent responsibility and rigorous attitude of the family is a guarantee for Singapore and Singaporeans.The review of mechanisms, etc., will be the necessary process of consolidating trust and confidence.

The Workers' Party lied from the hot Yusha in 2021, and then to the recent exposure of the extramarital affairs of Beli An and Xue Xueling, which made people see the looseness of the party organization, especially when facing major problems in party members, it seemed to seem to be a major problem.The lack of consideration and processing, even ignoring the information of the reporter, so that the matter is more complicated.When it publicly explained the incident, the information is always complete, and it is difficult to clearly know the position of the Workers' Party on the act of related actions, or whether the behavior of the organization and party members has further requirements, whether it will strengthen the internal supervision mechanism, and so on.

People are not sages, who can never pass.The key is how the parties admit, take responsibility, and handle it, not just the organizations and institutions to bear all consequences.As the backbone of the party, choosing on the wrong side is personal choice, but the damage caused is huge.Resignation or firing is just a matter of time. In the future, greater power is required to rebuild the party's image and trust.What can the parties do or do in addition to resigning or what they should do? Is there a better way to make up or take responsibility?This may be worth thinking about.

In politics in Singapore, it has always been No-Nonsense. It must be serious and sloppy.Because of this, only sincere people with sincerity can take out that difficult step, willing to sacrifice time and energy, including serving the country and the people with their families.Private space and freedom are priceless to anyone. For those who are willing to come forward to work in politics, our society must cherish and respect, and continuously create a favorable atmosphere for more people to do so to ensure that Singapore can be ensured in Singapore.A good person from generation to generation forms a good government and political leadership and provides a good mechanism for governing the country.

Blind anti -systems and people and politicians in the system will only constantly hinder people who are interested in politics and put into public services.When there are high requirements for politicians, we should also ask and remind ourselves that even if we cannot come forward, we must help the country introduce and find the right person for the country and the people.