Source: United News Network

Author: Zhang Junkai

Under the invitation of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, 37 mainland teachers and students visited Taiwan to show the long -lost popularity of the people on both sides of the strait. It also made both sides see friendly goodwill.Actively create opportunities.

The people on both sides of the strait are now forced to return to the original shape. From the beginning, it is impressive.And for cross -strait exchanges open the door is the "post -00s" youth of each other. Unlike the "Sun Flower" generation of blind resistance and China, the new generation of Taiwan's "post -00s" has a continental view of unreasonable burdens, which means that cross -strait relations are new.Times are coming, and hope to warm up with each other on both sides of the strait.

However, the climate of cross -strait relations is still restrained by the climate of Sino -US relations, and it can easily solve it overnight.At this point, the situation of the Taiwan Strait has deteriorated, although the Tsai government, which refused to acknowledge the "1992 Consensus", has the responsibility, but the objective conditions have also been affected by the United States in order to curb China's rise and save its empire.The influence of "pro -American and anti -anti -China Baozai" slogans can be on the altar of Taiwan's mainstream ideology.

The changes in the world pattern brought about by the rise of China and the decline of the United States have made the structural contradictions in China and the United States intensified.However, the two sides are still trying to find the possibility of differences in control.A few days ago, the former US Secretary of State Kissinger's visit to China, reminiscent of a geopolitical change that opened more than 50 years ago, prompted Nison to break the barriers of the Cold War and set foot on the Shanghai Bulletin.Its historical and practical significance is that it has prompted Sino -US relations because of the formal formation of the "One Middle" framework; the cognition and treatment of the Taiwan issue in the international issue has also entered the time of "No. 1 Middle".Taiwan's political reality that cannot be bypassed by international space.

Kissinger's visit to China this time was received by Beijing with a high specification of "old friends".For Taiwan, which is in the center of geopolitical storms, it is not allowed to watch it.Especially in the 2024 presidential election, the recent variables in front of them, the saying of candidates for each camp on both sides of the strait, in fact, reflects the choice of cross -strait warfare and peace.Essence

Today, teachers and students of mainland China visited Taiwan, and at this time Kissinger was met by Xi Jinping in Beijing. The geopolitical climate played a role at the same time, which has highly inspired Taiwan.Sino -US relations do not necessarily go to the ending of the "Xiu Xi Dade Trap", and cross -strait relations do not necessarily have a dead end of it.The foundation of the connection.

Xu Jiechi, a honorary professor of the political department of the National Taiwan University Political Department, called on his legacy of the Taiwan independence.The bravery of the molecule.Young people on both sides of the strait have sent warmth. How does the Taiwan Strait go to spring flowers, and the key to solve is actually holding in the hands of the Taiwanese themselves.

The author is a media worker