Minister of Communications Yi Huaren and the wealthy businessman Wang Xing notification of bail caused a society caused by bails.Public opinion, such as snow flakes, some fragmented "internal emotions" show that the minister is suspected of accepting the improper treatment of wealthy businessmen.In the investigation, the case should not be added here, but this can not help me think of a story.

At a time in 1981, Yang Bangxiao, the first director of the Singapore Government Investment Corporation, who just established, followed his boss, the first deputy prime minister and the Minister of Education Wu Qingrui, who had an experienced investment manager.They live in the Hyde Park Hotel London. Wu Qingrui's room is the largest room in the hotel, while Yang Bangxiao's room is very small.After the luggage was sent to their respective rooms, Yang Bangxiao went around the hotel. When he returned to his room, he found that the boss's luggage appeared in his room, and his luggage was missing.He walked to Wu Qingrui's room in doubt, but saw that his luggage was inside.Wu Qingrui, who was dealing with the copywriting in front of the table, immediately told him that he wanted to adjust the room with him because Wu Qingrui "prefer" small rooms.Yang Bangxiao had heard that Wu Qingrui was frugal, and he lived in the hotel and washed his own pants when he was traveling.Nevertheless, Yang Bangxiao did not dare to understand the rules so, and let the boss live in the small room. He said that their room was arranged by the British National Security Agency. From the consideration of security guards, Wu Qingrui reluctantly agreed to live back to his big room.

This incident is not a beautiful legend, but the 40th anniversary of the Singapore Government Investment Company published in 2021 "Bold Vision-The Untold Stories of Singapore's Reserve and Its Sovereign Wealth Fund" Foreign exchangeThe story recorded in the stories of reserves and sovereignty funds), the author is Freddy Orchard, who had served as a high school in the Singapore Financial Administration. He revealed many little -known stories in the book and reflectedIn the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding of the founding of the country and the high -level civil servants was highly dedicated.

Yang Bangxiao was originally a quasi -picker of OCT Chairman. He was reduced by the government's "borrowing" salary. He later became a judge.

Maybe people think that Singapore was still a poor developing country at the time, and it was taken for granted that leaders were frugal.However, this is not the case in international reality. On the contrary, there are many examples, and there are countries in the distance.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2023, the per capita GDP Per Capita rankings are ranked fifth in Singapore in the world and the first Asia, reaching 9,100 US dollars, which is undoubtedly a rich country.When the country is wealthy, whether Singapore's politicians, civil servants, and people can continue to maintain the morality of "wealth cannot be obscene", "unclear and frugal", it is a question given us by the Yi Huaren case.

Senior Minister Yi Huareng will commit the "sky bar" in the ruling party, which also means that after the country's wealthy, government relations must be reviewed.If political leaders and senior civil servants softened their own will to self -defend and relax their alertness, they can't stand the temptation of sweetness, and they will unknowingly take the wrong first step.

Chinese media abroad often describes Singapore's cleanliness system with "high salary". Once a politician or senior officials have committed corruption, they question the "high salary raising integrity" approach.The saying that "high salary raising integrity" seems to be, not, the Singapore government gives high salaries to compete with the private corporate community. "Raising integrity" is based on the character standards maintained by the political party itself.Know what to do and what should not be done.

The extramarital affairs of Chen Chuanren and members of the parliament, Chen Chuanren, embarrassed the government, left a lot of doubts for the Chinese people.Prime Minister Li Xianlong learned of the improper relationship between the two shortly after the general election in July 2020, but he did not immediately take disciplinary actions. Instead, he gave "persuasion and counseling".The style of style.Perhaps the relationship between the two was just beginning, and it was not serious enough to face the disciplinary punishment of the party.More likely, the outbreak of global crown disease in 2019 prompted the ruling party to hold a general election early, so that the government was able to go all out after the political bureau settled, and the whole god was in the crisis of resistance.The improper relationship of the parliament and parliamentarians exploded at that time, and the government's energy and the attention of the people in vain.In any case, many questions in society are waiting for Premier Li to answer in Congress.

On July 17th, Bei Lian, the member of the Ayuni Collection District of the Workers' Party, and the party committee members of the party, Xue Xueling, "Video of inappropriate relationships spread on the Internet, which is more than

Former MP Rao Xinlong, a former member of the Workers' Party, and Berme, the former parliament of the DAP, broke out of extramarital affairs in 2012 and broke the political future.These two scandals 11 years ago, the Chinese people were still impressive, but today's latecomers have not been able to learn the lesson of the car.

A friend said, "Singapore's politics has become normal." This is a ridicule, but it is also an interesting irony.In Singapore's political stability, integrity, and high efficiency. From the perspective of Western democratic countries, we are at the cost of sacrificing democracy and freedom. Therefore, we have become a "abnormal" country internationally, not a "standard democratic country".EssencePerhaps as Singapore has become "normal". Like most democratic countries, we have all the chaos and greed. We have the opportunity to be invited to attend the "World Democratic National Summit" hosted by the United States in the future.

If we cannot continue to maintain the high standards of clean politics, the people gradually improve the tolerance of the non -inspection and corruption behavior of politicians, and look at it as the "normal state".This method commemorates the century -old birthday of the founding of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.The scandal one after another, the disappointment, ridicule, and ridicule of the people are a head -up to the government and the people of the court.