Source: Ming Pao

Cambodia Sunday (July 23) holds a Congress election. The ruling party of Prime Minister Hun Sen, who is expected to be in power for nearly 40 years, will be able to win easily.Hunson recently worked hard to pave the way for the 45 -year -old eldest son Hongma Na. He was interviewed by the media a few days ago, saying that his son "may be the prime minister in three or four weeks."

Hongma Nei was promoted to four -star general three months ago. Hun Sen also excluded all competitors for him. The ruling Cambodian People's Party (hereinafter referred to as the People's Party) expected to sweep all the seats in Congress.Fraud elections.

Diplomatic diplomatic, Hun Sen was accused of hitting the "China Card" picture balance with Europe and the United States to avoid Western criticism of his opposition.

"Hongma Ni or worshiping phases in three or three or three times"

Hun Sen accepted an interview with Phoenix Satellite TV last Friday, and also pointed out that Hun Manet might be "upper" earlier. He said: "Our prime minister has two candidates, that is, Hun Sen and Hong and HongMane. We are waiting for the people's election voting results, maybe not to be able to pass three or four weeks again. Hongma Na may become a prime minister, depending on that after that, whether Hongma Ni can be competent.I have a better chance. "

It is estimated that this is the last time that Hun Sen, who is 70 years old, has won the re -election prime minister.Hunson, born in 1952, joined Khmer Rouge at the age of 18 and rely on Vietnam after experiencing internal fighting. In 1979, he overthrew the Khmer Rouge regime with the Vietnamese army. In 1985, he has been in power to this day.

The rule of Hun Sen and the People's Party has been questioned by the special and younger generation due to the disparity between the rich and the poor and corruption in recent years, which has caused opposition to the rise of forces.Mainly opposed the Cambodian Cambodian National Salvation Party in the 2013 general election, and local elections threatened the People's Party again in 2017.After Hunson used the power of the Supreme Court to dissolve the Salvation Party, the People's Party won all 125 National Assembly in the 2018 election.

Forbidden opposition party compete for party friends to give up their children

In order to successfully meet Hongma Na, Hun Sen "followed the boiled bowl" this time, and in May this year, the successor party of the Salvation Party was banned from participating in the election.Sam Rainsy, founder of the Candlelight Party in Exile France, called on the cup to election.The government immediately counted the Cup Ge election as illegal, and the destruction of votes could be fined 20 million Ryl (about 38,000 Hong Kong dollars).In addition, some people in the capital of the capital said that the People's Party bribed voters from house to house in rural areas and threatened to refuse bribes.Officials have also recently strengthened political leaders such as candlelight party and other opposition.Asia said that in order to ensure the power of Hongma, Hun Sen even asked the people of the People's Party to abdicate to let the children of Xian to them.

The Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) quoted a voter of a rescue person last Thursday, saying: "This is a fraud election, because there is no truly powerful opposition party." He bluntly said despair about the current situation.Sanglanxi told Reuters in May that Hun Sen "knows that if he knows that he has lost power, he will lose the protection of crimes, so he hopes that his son can replace him (in charge)."

Hongsen also carefully balanced between China and the West.In diplomacy and economy, Cambodia has always rely on China support.In February this year, Hongma Na went to China with his father and was met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Asia earlier analyzed that Hongsen is preparing to make a stick, and it is not surprising that seeking a relationship with Europe and the United States.Political risks.

Bring the eldest son "China Card" to block the west

However, the position of pro -China also helps Honor to avoid excessive pressure in the West. Yamada Yoshica, a professor of International Institute of International Intelligence University in Niigata International Intelligence, pointed out that as the last election was high -profile for the opposition, the opposition did not lead to strong western sanctions. Cambodia owned by Cambodia.The "China Card" still effectively balances the West, "Hun Sen is making full use of the US Biden government's expectations to prevent Cambodia from further investing in Beijing's embrace."

Washington is accused of being most worried about China in the construction of Yunyang Naval Base in Cambodia.The project made a breakthrough last year. Last month, a commercial satellite image showed that a local open -air pier appeared in the local area, which was enough to parked a destroyer.Cambodia was also questioned in controversy in China in the South China Sea, and was criticized by Asia in the South China Sea, and was criticized by Asia in Asia.

OU Virak, the chairman of the Phnom Penh think tank "Future Forum", said that China, a major partner of China, is still the main supporter of Cambodia, and believes that any size that falls to the West in Cambodia will be limited because of alienation in China.Disappointed the local people.