Nine Chinese miners were killed tragic in the Central African Republic; "Islamic State Horosen Province" (ISIS-K) launched an attack on a hotel run by Afghanistan by Chinese;Attacks and death -these are clear examples of surge in violent incidents of overseas Chinese.Today, in the face of the wave of violence against Chinese citizens in foreign territories, Beijing has come to a critical juncture.

According to Chinese security experts, this severe situation requires the private security industry to be professional, or strengthen the existence of the Chinese People's Liberation Army overseas, or both.

From the turbulence after the end of the Cold War to the rise of the competition in the United States and China, a new era's security structure is being formed, and the demand for mercenaries and private military services has increased.At the same time, the United States has gradually withdrawn from major military positions and played in the past to play the role of previous offshore balance, and this gradually emerging process is accelerating.

Throughout history, the mercenaries are rampant in the continuous turbulence, and what they do encourage conflict just to seek private interest.From Mali to Sudan, the Russian mercenaries led by Wagner Group are continuously expanding, which is a clear example.This is also the same geographical area for Chinese private security companies to protect China's interests.

Protect the New Silk Road

The increasing uncertainty on foreign territory, coupled with the proper retaining the principle of non -interference for decades, is being promoted by Beijing and at least "Chinese characteristics".Security enterprise.

Since Chinese President Xi Jinping ordered the strengthening of military training before 2027, despite the major reforms, the PLA still lacks combat experience.Therefore, China's private security enterprises are suitable agents to meet the safety needs of the “Belt and Road” initiative.

However, although there are 10,000 private security companies in China and more than 3 million employees, the work of protecting the new Silk Road is entrusted to less than 20 companies. This fact highlights the Chinese private security industryLimitation.

This is not only related to the professionalization of private security enterprises, but also about the interest of buying such professional security services to pay for such professional security services.Among the Movie Wolf 2, as a Chinese, it is enough to resist foreign threats, which is still very popular in mainland China.

Since the beginning of 1993, China's private security industry is mainly composed of individuals with security business background.These companies found and managed by former security personnel are mainly recruited from the PLA, the Armed Police Force and the police.

In 2019, major progress has occurred. After the relevant laws are revised, they can break through the previous restrictions and expand the scope of protecting Chinese personnel and infrastructure to overseas.

Nevertheless, the recent surge in violent incidents of overseas Chinese workers has prompted Beijing to strengthen the professionalism of private security companies and expand its capabilities.At present, these companies are in legal gray areas on the issue of carrying weapons in foreign countries.

In addition to some obvious exceptions to cracking down on pirate mission at sea, Chinese private security companies have no armed forces, but rely on local armed personnel.For example, a Shanghai Private Security Company operating in Pakistan hired several Chinese security managers as a middleman who was a local private security company.Chinese workers live in a yard with a fence. The yard is protected by a tower equipped with a machine gun and managed by a local private security company.

Although the world is re -experienced the consequences and influence brought by the mercenaries, Chinese private security companies are neither black water (an American private military company, and now it has been renamed and changed its management), nor is it Wagner Group.The passive posture of Chinese private security companies in protecting infrastructure and personnel from crimes or terrorist attacks is an example.

However, the requirements for professionalization and the expanding risk appetite may force the Chinese private security company to cross the threshold and bring unexpected consequences, including the Chinese government involved in the local crisis.

Need better staff training

From the perspective of efficiency, except for some top security companies, most operators have no international experience and lag behind foreign counterparts.They are facing the challenges of finding capable Chinese security contractors, and they can usually only hire local armed personnel.

Another obstacle to development lies in training personnel with necessary local knowledge and security skills.In addition, the lack of profit -making contracts also affect the quality of security services.

In Central Asia, Beijing has learned lessons from previous mistakes, and is adjusting the crisis management strategy of the “Belt and Road”.It plays the same role as a private security company, reducing the exposure of the public and the media, and allowing China to invest in the vision of everyone.Chinese workers live in closed yards and rarely interact with locals, especially from the mining industry from Kazakhstan Petroleum and Turkmenistan natural gas to Tajikistan gold mine.

However, from South Asia to Africa, the upgrading of civil strife and small -scale conflicts constitutes complex challenges, which hinders the progress of effective evaluation threats and reducing risks.

In order to cope with these risks, Beijing is expected to strengthen the supervision and review of Chinese private security companies to give birth to professional companies.

At the same time, the African mining industry is one of the main sources of income from the Wagner Group. The overlapping interests generated by this have also left the issue of cooperation between Chinese private security companies and Russia.

Considering that Wagner's increasing popularity and bad reputation, the possibility of protecting the "Belt and Road" by Russian security companies is not high, and just a few years ago, people were still discussing this matter.On the other hand, if the two parties are expected to confront, it will be controlled by natural resources, and this will occur in where the power fences of the Power of Kremlin and the Zhongnanhai Power Wall.

Xi Jinping recently made a speech at the National Security Council that it is necessary to prepare for the worst situation and prepare to undergo "a major test of rushing and even stormy waves", which shows that Beijing is seriously evaluating the global security pattern.Potential challenges.

However, aside from the "unlimited" partnership between Beijing and Moscow, the possibility of violence in the local area is still a major concern, because the ground forces are deployed in an area with different communication and local interests.It will destroy national goals.

Author Alessandro Arduino is the original lecturer of the Liu Family Chinese Research Institute of the King of London.