Can the Democratic system of George Soros published on June 15th of Lianhe Zaobao on June 15 Can the democratic system survive in multiple crises?, I feel shocked after reading.Soros's seriousness, complexity, and urgency of the problem, it is necessary to fall into anxiety and meditation.

The profound, broad and thick thinking of the fate of human beings makes people deeply feel his care and love for human beings.Because of this, the author believes that if he can change the question to human beings can survive in multiple crises?It may be more appropriate.Because the whole article is not a common challenge and crisis facing today, it is not limited to the so -called democratic system.Moreover, Soros also explained the three most urgent problems he thought, and all looked at it from a global perspective.

Of course, one thing I can understand is that Soros's worries in their hearts, first of all, still depend on whether the democratic system that can be settled and admired can survive, and then others.But he also understands that any problem far exceeds the solution of the democratic system.Because of this, I want to talk about the different opinions of this article in order to discuss Soros.

In my opinion, all these three problems: artificial intelligence (AI), climate change, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, compared to his title, should be retreated second.crisis.At least in terms of the political concerns of the United States, they are tense on the previous two issues, and they have their own words.As long as the President Obama signed the Paris Agreement, Trump exited as soon as he came to power, and it was clear at a glance.However, the polarization and division of climatic issues is just a matter of relatively important issues in the United States. In many important issues that are related to the foundation of the three powers in the United States, the two parties have been treated with the fire -Trump was accused of 37 federal criminal felony, which was a typical condition, and Trump repeatedly attacked the political persecution and judicial corruption initiated by the Democrats.

The Republican spirit is almost disappeared, and it should be the greatest concern of Soros about whether the democratic system can survive.After all, if the skin does not exist, will Mao be attached?In this regard, the author wrote a number of humble reviews in the United Zard at the United Zard, so that the biggest and most advanced democratic and republican diseases in the history of human beings in the history, analyzed and interpreted, and attracted people's attention.Especially whether the United States has declined?(March 23) In an article, the author pointed out: "Behind the decline of the United States, the key password of the entire West, and even the future direction of human beings. Especially in progressiveism and (modern) represented by the United States,Liberalism, the world that is highly combined with the rapid development of artificial intelligence will go, what will happen, we know no one. Based on this, we should never watch the fire from the shore, let alone a disaster.The rational discussion is not only to be extraordinary, but also has no blame. Especially in China, which proposes a community of human destiny, it should be the case. "

Secondly, the primary cause of "multi -crisis that plagues the world today is artificial intelligence."The author believes that it is too early to say, whether it is the ChatGPT 4 launched by Microsoft for free, or the new AI product of Google, it is still at the beginning of further upgrading. In other words, at most, it is only the beginning of the out of control.It is not "the primary cause of the multiple crisis that plagues the world today", but it is rather "the primary cause of the multiple crisis that plagues the future of humans", and it can even be said to be the primary culprit that threatens and completely destroy humanity.

In my opinion, the core risk of AI is out of control, and humans will eventually get out of control.This is the unknown risk hidden in human beings to compete for competition, and the gradual upgrade of AI.Although when ChatGPT was first launched, Musk initiated a joint call for the suspension of AI research and development, how naive and weak the "ambition" of technology companies to profit and strive to lead the trend.As far as we can see, we can see that 95%of the current mankind (or even more) work will be replaced by the continuously upgraded AI in the future.In this case, in the future, human society will have devastating blows. Will 95%of humans be a waste for the whole day and do nothing?

Where will this be regarded as a man of human beings that are regarded as the spirit of all things?The author thinks about how to solve the problem of population crisis: Perhaps in human genes, it contains a key password that resolves the crisis of population, that is, when modern technology gradually liberates humans from heavy physical labor, human beings will be humans.It has been subconsciously realized that people will eventually be replaced by machines (especially the current AI), so human genes will instinctively use "decrete" to avoid or delay this tragedy fate as much as possible.To some extent, it seems that it can also explain that Japan's most popular industrial country Japan will eventually face the disappearing "national difficulties" (the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe).

We don't know what exactly will we think and treat the humans in the eyes of AI after having autonomous consciousness one day?Just like gorillas in our eyes.As long as we ask ourselves: When will humans be kind to wild animals and support them all?Either a few lucky people live in habitats after humans plunder, or are tools for entertainment children in zoo and circus.In the future, when the IQ is more than the AI that the IQ is more than the human N (theoretically they can never stop evolving), how will it treat our IQs like infant -like waste?This is like we look at the deep black holes.

We don't know how much horrible unknown is among them. At least when modern technology brings great changes to humans, it also brings huge uncertainty and devastating nature to humans.From the perspective of war, the disaster and pain caused by the more advanced weapons of World War I and World War II to humans have unprecedented.The only thing humans were fluent was that at that time, the United States of America, which had a nuclear bomb with freedom and peace, defeated the two evil countries of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean with almost their own strength.But as long as the brain is opened slightly, what kind of disaster will humans face if there are nuclear bombs at the time, but those two crazy countries?And don't you have the same worry about the rapid evolution?

Even if AI is still in the hands of confident and just, what is justified is a problem.While seeing that the two parties in the United States are convinced of their own justice, they can attack and curse each other's evil at a glance.What concepts will be held by these ethical concepts of scientific researchers and developed by scientific researchers?Not to mention what collisions will happen by the AI owned by completely different ideological politics?Will one day, AI with different concepts and ideology, also fights and maliciously attack humans who have different insights with them?We do not know that the last time left to humans is actually just a short teaser before AI gets autonomous consciousness.

Finally, does human gene contain the urge to self -destruction and the priority of instinctively avoiding disasters?

This is a secret that we can't know yet.Master of Psychology Freud has always thought about a problem in Austria in the years of dispersion (Nazi control period after 1938): "Human devastating impulse", this idea is reflected in his work with the strongest expression.A future of illusion (the future of translation of illusion).In other words, human beings are born with desire to destroy, just like civilization itself contains the devastating power of Nazi.It was just that Freud, who had passed away in 1939, did not know the AI and climate disaster faced by humans today.This is a challenge that our generation cannot escape, and it is also a crisis that must be cautious.

The author is a researcher at the Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center of Kennedy College of Harvard University of China University of Political Science and Law