The Personal Data Protection Commission will start public consultation to formulate guidelines to strengthen personal data to protect users when using artificial intelligence.Yang Liming, Minister of Communications and News and Second Minister of the Ministry of the Interior, said at a speech at the Personal Data Protection Symposium on July 18 that while promoting high -quality artificial intelligence technology to develop the digital economy, it is necessary to ensure that consumers' personal information is properly appropriate.Protect.This position is correct.Because in the digital age, personal privacy is increasingly facing threats.How to maintain a balance between maintaining scientific and technological progress, economic development, and personal privacy -based citizens has become a major challenge for the times.

Like any disruptive new things, leading artificial intelligence development in the field of digital technology has aroused fierce controversy about opportunities and challenges.The supporters believe that artificial intelligence will greatly improve social productivity and further improve human life; opponents are worried that artificial intelligence may not only replace more jobs, but also cause more powerful social members to increase structural unemployment.Undested human civilization.In any case, as soon as the Pandora box was opened, there was no way back.Therefore, although there is controversy, artificial intelligence is the general trend, but it is necessary to reduce disadvantages and obtain more support, and protect personal privacy.

As an open small economy, Singapore cannot be absent from the development of artificial intelligence, especially this technology is likely to be the key to determining future global competitiveness.At the same time, while thinking about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence, we must also pay attention to the considerations other than the economy -powerful artificial intelligence and related big data technology, there are major hidden dangers to violate privacy.It is manifested in the economic field, although it involves consumer consumption habits and preferences, and personal information such as finance, but at a more essential level, the basic privacy of citizens and personal freedom related to this.

This is not only related to the freedom of the basic life dignity of human beings, but also the meaning of the existence of democratic politics at a collective level -allowing all citizens to live freely.Artificial intelligence that is becoming more and more powerful and can even be improved by self -study, and cooperation is constantly collecting cumulative big data, which is eroding personal privacy, whether as consumers or free citizens.This threat comes from two aspects.On the one hand, fraud gangs can use the continuously upgraded artificial intelligence technology to imitate and even steal their personal identity fraud, to capture the wealth of the victims.On the other hand, the authorized managers have mastered the privacy of the managers, and it is the temptation of the devil who calls for the tyranny.None of these potential challenges can be used to look at it.

The concerns about the threat of intelligent technology are not worried.At that time, the Foreign Minister, who was in charge of the Smart Country Plan, was used in the data collected by the data collected by the "combined tracking" application in 2021, but it would only be used in epidemic prevention tracking.Apologize to Congress.Central banks in some countries have suffered fierce opposition to prevent decentralized digital currency such as Bitcoin and other decentralized digital currencies, and considering the issuance of digital currencies, because people are worried that this will become a means to control citizens' wealth and freedom.The power of artificial intelligence is obviously more powerful than tracking applications or digital currencies.

Although the public consultation of the Personal Data Protection Committee is just to formulate industry guidelines and belong to the basic work of the starting. This does not prevent people from thinking about related topics in advance, including legislative work related to artificial intelligence and personal privacy protection.The scam gang described in the previous use of artificial intelligence scams as an example. With the renewal of fraud methods, the relevant legislation must also keep pace with the times, so as not to one foot high.In addition, while improving administrative efficiency, how to prevent personal data from being enjoyed by the high -quality mainland government and weakening privacy is also a subject that the New Law Institute must pay attention to.

As the society is increasingly relying on the convenience brought by digital technology, people seem to ignore the privacy of personal transfer, so that large technology companies can use the collected big data to sell profit, and even use this to use this to use this.Manipulate the consumption habits of users and even political tendencies.However, personal freedom is the right to protect any democratic society. Responsible citizens have obliged to ensure that the government authorized to commission and do their best to protect personal privacy.This factor is higher than any economic consideration.Therefore, Chinese people must pay enough attention and pay attention to public consultation activities and related follow -up development.