Following black and white house storm, Minister of Communications Yi Huaren The investigation of the Corruption Bureau, as well as the Congress Speaker Chen Chuanren Speak , on Monday (July 17), Chen Chuanren and another party members of the People's Action PartyZhong Lihui also involved Wedding Love Scandal .

The storm of black and white houses and the Yi Huaren incident involved the conflict of interest, which is suspected of corruption.In the process of circulating on the Internet of Minister of the Internal Affairs and Minister of Justice, and Minister of Foreign Minister Victoria's Black and White House, in the process of leased the Black and White House of the Mandarin Bureau, there was an improper behavior.The Corruption Investigation Bureau launched an investigation under the instructions of the Prime Minister and confirmed that the two ministers did not involve improper behavior.

Yi Huaren's case was discovered during another investigation by the Corruption Council.The Prime Minister approved the Corruption Council to investigate the incident and asked Yi Huaren to leave leave during the investigation.After the arrest of Yi Huuren was arrested, the investigation of the case has not yet ended.

Different from the nature of the two events mentioned above. The speaker of the Congress and the extramarital affairs incident of the two DAP members involved the ethics of politicians' conflict against the DAP's discipline and behavioral standards.

Since the DAP has ruling, it has adhered to a strict integrity and clean system, tolerance for corruption, and high standards for political leaders.The Action Party's uniform is white, representing purity and not corruption.Some people tease that the "white man" must be white than white.

Under a strict system, the incidents of minister's corruption or parliamental behavior are rare, but it is not uncommon, but it has not happened.Even so, the recent series of incidents, for the integrity and integrity system that the DAP adheres to, can be said to be a small pressure test.Many Chinese people do the incidents that have occurred in a row, and they are also confusing and worry about whether the Singapore -signs that are upright and clean can continue to be inherited.

Premier Li Xianlong emphasized at a press conference that he was determined to ensure that Singapore would not have corruption, and he also believed that the fourth -generation leader was determined to do so.He shows that no system can be lost, and members who have not reached the standard are embarrassing politically and costly, but the DAP must maintain the party's discipline and behavioral standards.

Occasionally, on the day Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui resigned, the online circulation of the Workers' Congress Paris, Belishi, had an inappropriate video with the party's youth chairman, the chairman of the party.Inspectors revealed that the two were found intimate since 2020.

The Workers' Party issued a statement on the same day that the incident was investigating and stated that all party members were required to be responsible for their actions.In 2012, a similar extramarital affair incident occurred in 2012, and it eventually fired Rao Xinlong, a member of the incident.How the Workers' Party handles the scandal of Berian and Xue Xueling, which will reflect whether it has followed Singapore's long -standing system.

In many countries, incidents of corruption and extramarital affairs are no wonder, and people are accustomed to it.But in Singapore, it is not accepted by mainstream values, especially corruption.In contrast, with the changes in values, some people believe that extramarital affairs are personal private affairs. As long as you feel like and do not involve personal interests, it has nothing to do with public interests.

However, at this stage, the Singapore government and the people's ethics of public figures, especially political leaders, have quite high requirements and expectations.They are regarded as a symbol of social morality and a model for public learning.The privacy of public figures is in the eyes of the public, and their personal ethics and "private affairs" cannot get rid of the public interest.After all, the political ecology of the scandal is unlikely to bred a good governance, but it may lead to the consequences of the transactions of private and right -color transactions, and the moral authority of politicians will also disappear.

The popularization of social media makes it difficult for politicians to cover improper behaviors.In addition, for talented people, Singapore opportunities are full of opportunities for politics.In this case, the high standards and code of conduct set up by the DAP may make it face greater difficulties in recruiting talents and leaders' updates.However, this should not be the reason for reducing behavioral standards.

The political system that is upright and honest is the cornerstone of Singapore's success.It is a factor that maintains the trust of Chinese people and the indispensable faith of foreign investors.As Singapore is in the handover of the old and new leadership, social values are rapidly changing, and there are many temptations of rich society, which has increased the challenge of the inheritance of the integrity and integrity system.

Even so, there is no room for compromising the political system that maintains integrity and integrity. This core value must be passed down from generation to generation.In addition to the internal supervision of the ruling party and the opposition party, voters should also maintain this difficult and effective political system together, and adopt a zero tolerance attitude towards corruption and personal inappropriate behavior.