Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Society

The Chinese government announced that from August 1 on the grounds of national security on the grounds of national security, from August 1, the export of semiconductor materials 镓, 锗, and more than 30 related items was controlled.Due to the production of 90 % and 68 % of the global 镓 and 68 % of the world's industrial concentration, this export control has no negligible meaning and influence.

锗 造 造 is an important material for manufacturing technology products, which are accompanied by aluminum and zinc processing.The scope of application of 范 and 应用 is extremely wide. The more the cutting -edge semiconductor industry, the more metallic 锗 and 镓 are needed.As far as the influence is, from solar cells, various sensors, automobile charging piles, to precise operations, military radar, and stealth coatings of military aircraft submarines.

The market has a clear feeling for China's ban.Although there are views that China has limited threats to the supply of stocks, emphasizing that it is not monopoly resources; its production is a cost and time issue, not technology and mineral issues, and even think that it is not impossible to give birth to alternative materials.However, the actual situation is that because China's industrial scale and the manufacturing costs are low; in contrast, other countries are difficult to produce with energy conservation considerations and environmental protection regulations, so most of the world's worldwide crickets and crickets are from China.As a result, when the control order came out, the market vibrated, and the price of two metals rose.Global prices rose by 27 % within a week, and the price of crickets rose slightly by 1.9 %.Many international buyers have stepped up to step up stocks before the control measures take effect, and many companies have also stated that they will prepare to apply for operations in advance to respond to the long process that the Chinese government may need to request for the license in the future.

In fact, in addition to the assessment of industrial and technical influence, it is more worthy of attention, which may be the reorganization of the Chinese government's strategy and practices of the Chinese government in the face of a new round of scientific and technological warfare.

Since the United States launched a trade war in China in 2018, it has continued to upgrade its scientific and technological blockade against China: from listing blacklists, controlling exports to thousands of Chinese companies, to cutting off key technical components and semiconductors or semiconductors or semiconductors or semiconductors or semiconductors.The supply of chips, the United States' all -round science and technology enclosure, is fast, ruthless, and accurate.In the trade battlefield, China is still able to use its supply chain and the comparative interests formed by the scale economy; but the science and technology battlefield is different.

Semiconductor and high -tech industries are the weaknesses of mainland China. The challenges to be faced are various problems such as global industrial professional division of labor, the United States, Europe, Japan, and South Korea.In particular, the United States has completely blocked China and is not soft. In addition to requiring all manufacturers to use American technology, it must submit export permits, and through the collection of data, it has accurately accurately blocked China to upgrade its breakthroughs with industrial development.As described by the New York Times magazine special writer Alex W. Palmer, the United States has a chip block layout of China, which is similar to war behavior.

For several years of science and technology play games, the chips that are passive and counterattack in China are very limited, and they have gradually exposed their fatigue.Therefore, this time China issued the export control ban on the grounds of national security. In addition to reorganizing the pace and fighting back on the US and its allies' scientific and technological blockade, there are also the following possible considerations:

1. Master the industrial trend: 镓 and 锗 are the key materials of semiconductor. As the only main supplier in China, when export control of only a few hundred tons of 镓 and 锗 in the world, it is possible to master the 锗 and 镓 镓 镓Dosage, flow, purpose and other information.This will help China understand the research and development direction and mass production scale of the semiconductor industry.It is not ruled out that China can more accurately predict the direction of world cutting -edge technology and high -tech companies.

2. Encourage the establishment of the industrial chain: From the perspective of production layout, export control is a ring of industrial policies, and it is not unlikely to guide the migration of the industrial chain.As export controls will cause huge fluctuations in the prices of 锗 and 锗, if manufacturers set the relevant next -generation semiconductor industry in China, and make compound products and then export, they can effectively avoid export control of metal raw materials.

3. The preview of a new round of scientific and technological warfare: From the perspective of the wrestling of the great country, although the recent US senior executives such as the Secretary of State Brills, the Minister of Finance Yellen has visited China one after another, creating a gentle expectation of the relationship between the two countries, but handshakeUnlike words, the relationship between the great powers is more complicated.Various signs show that the United States will continue to raise scientific and technological wars: For example, the United States and the Dutch government further restrict the maintenance services for Chinese -controlled chip production equipment.This means that the normal use of the normally use of the second -hand light carvings purchased by China in the past (called exposure machine) purchased by China will be seriously affected.For another example, the US government is considering strengthening the control of Intel and Nvidia to tailor -made artificial intelligence (AI) chips for China.When scientific and technological warfare has increased, the export ban from rare metals such as 镓锗 may also be China's preview of a new round of scientific and technological warfare.If this is necessary to simulate all countries, China will be listed as export -controlled strategic supplies.

So will Taiwan be affected?If only the issue of export control, Taiwan seems to be indifferent.According to the customs data of mainland China, the largest importing country of 的 products is Japan, Germany and the Netherlands.Taiwan's re -import -related compounds from the above countries are not obvious.However, if the scientific and technological warfare problem behind the export control is investigated, the warning is obvious.Taiwan is between the United States and China. Many Taiwanese businessmen have moved their two tops. It is not ruled out that foreign companies transfer to Taiwanese businessmen privately.It is recommended that Taiwanese businessmen operate in compliance and do a good job of geopolitical risks. The scientific and technological warfare may be prepared at any time.