Following the Twitter restrictions on the number of user reading in the world's about 250 million active users, deleting the old certified account, and promoting the charging system, attracting an uproar.New product.Facebook's parent company Meta launched a very similar community application Threads, which soon attracted more than 30 million users to register.

Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms The Way We Live and Do Business was published in 2009, changing the golden sentence of James Carville to "Stupid! Focus on the human owner's economy" as a human -owned economy. "The call became the first book in Britain and the United States at that time.This book responded to YouTube, which was popular in 2005, but the first year of Youtube, the Lingying, which was launched for four years, made its first profit in 2006, and the Facebook and Twitter that was officially released in the same year.The economy, search are no longer important, and the community is the rise of new advertising, Obama's brand rise.

First of all, the author Erik Qualman proposed that the relationship between consumers and enterprises will change due to social media. This is because "human nature has two psychological needs. We want to be independent, butAt the same time, I hope to have a sense of belonging and get the acceptance of the community. "The author believes that enterprises should abandon the old digital business model and join the community economy. This may even reduce costs. For example, ESPN hires "super fans" to help write.The test video of Cola became popular, which stimulated Coca -Cola sales.And "customers and the best products will be the winner ?? Community media allows us to reach this state -like realm." Consumers seeks advice through the community instead of believed in advertising, such as the promotion of travel websites.

Secondly, Quilman also takes African descendants Obama on the road to the President of the United States as an example. He will use community media than the Republican McCain and the Democratic Party of Hillary.The book found the way of winning from obscurity to victory.Therefore, the two -way communication brought by the community is important to business and politics.

Jeremy Rifkin is a future scholar in the United States, stating that the community and the sharing economy are rising.In the 2014 Publication Internet of Things Revolution, he aims to show that the world is forming a sharing economy with communication, power sources and logistics mechanisms.

Lifjin analysis pointed out that the current siege of two forces in enterprises and markets is the new reasoning economics based on ecology, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc. based on the laws of thermodynamics;The second is the combination of new technology platforms, including communication networks, energy networks, logistics networks and the Internet of Things.Although it is necessary to invest a huge front cost, the marginal cost is zero. "Everyone in each place can connect to this network at any time, and use huge amounts of information to use huge amounts of information at any time.Create a new application that can manage your own daily life. "

At the same time, Lifjin believes that it is a non -governmental and non -market community (Commons) economy, which belongs to decentralized, horizontal division of labor, and openness, rather than traditional enterprises from top to bottom and centralized power.Lifjin even predicts that in the future, the public may no longer rely on enterprises to provide energy, products, services, and job positions. They will not be monopolized, patented or advertising to decide on the right, and no longer become passive consumers.Moreover, what everyone needs does not have to be purchased and paid from the shelves, but can depend on interpersonal relationships to exchanges what they want.

Based on the arguments of the two books, both authors at that time had grasped how the community media that started to rise more than 10 years ago would change business, politics, and life. To this day, social media and economic models have become taken for granted.However, Lifkin's ideal has not been reached, because several major social media companies monopolized information circulation, and the voices of criticism often believed that there was an extreme opinion of many social opinions.spread.In addition, in the wave of science and technology, people use idle houses and cars to create a sharing model to subvert the two major industries of accommodation and transportation.In addition to some idle assets, it has also created extra "idle facilities" for profit. For example, it is said that residents around Venice, Italy Water Village were forced to move out to allow passengers renting through the platform.

Many communities have begun to be used by politics and business, but at present, online communities are still only in the formation, and it is necessary to wait for the online community and cooperation platforms to evolve.Perhaps the community and the sharing economy will go to the next stage because of the competition of the two giant whales. Although they still do not know how the next stage will combine the increasingly mature new concepts and new technologies to change the business ecology again.

The author is a doctoral student at the Department of Sociology, Nanyang University of Technology