Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Lu Yi

The U.S. Presidential Climate Special Envoy Crey visited China from July 16th to 19th.He is the third US senior official who visited China within a month after Secretary of State Bringscan and Treasury Secretary Yellen.

Although Kerry is just a special envoy of climate, and is behind Brinken and Yellen, you must know that the US climate special envoy is not affiliated to the cabinet and does not need to accept the inquiry of the US Congress and is directly responsible for the president.The most important thing is that Kerry and China have a deep source.When there was a gap between Sino -US relations in the past, Cry came to China to repair the relationship between the two sides.But now in the face of China and the United States, Kerry seems to be weak.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, as well as Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Mainland Government, talks with Kerry on July 18 in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Li Qiang said that the world is facing severe challenges. China and the United States and even all countries have the responsibility to strengthen coordination, establish consensus, and accelerate action.Wang Yi called Kerry as his old friend, pointing out that a healthy, stable and sustainable Sino -US relations are necessary.Kerry said that Biden attaches great importance to the relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is very committed to stabilizing the United States and China relations, and is committed to bringing major changes to the world together. The United States hopes that climate issues will become a new start of differences between cooperation between the two countries."Stable Sino -US relations" is not only what the two countries think, but the volatility of Sino -US relations is increasing.

Kerry has a deep relationship with Biden

Don't look at the special envoy of the climate, compared to the Secretary of State and Treasury Secretary, there seems to be nothing, but don't underestimate Kerry's private relationship with Bayen.

Crey, who has been in American politics for many years, is only one year younger than Biden, behind Kennedy's political family.As early as the 2004 U.S. election, Kerry was already a Democratic candidate. After being defeated to Bush, the Kerry and the Kennedy family began to support the political star Obama.After that, Obama defeated the US Republican candidate McCain and was elected the first black president in American history.

Obama, who was on the big position, began to talk about meritorious rewards. Ceri replaced Bayen as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee; Biden became Vice President of the United States; Hillary became US Secretary of State.By 2012, Crey helped Obama successfully re -election, and Hillary would no longer be the Secretary of State.Kerry succeeded Hillary as the 68th Secretary of State in the United States, and Biden became Obama's eight -year vice president.For a long time, Obama, Bayon, Kerry, and Hillary were called "fantasy combinations".

and then Bayeng played against Trump. At this time, Hillary and Obama had already retreated, and only Kerry was still in politics.So Kerry became a special envoy of Biden's climatic problem, which was overwhelmed in the American cabinet and was directly responsible for the president.

The heavy responsibility of the "Climate Special Envoy"

In many people's eyes, is there nothing to talk about in China and the United States?Talk about "climate issues".This understanding is wrong.Do not think that the "climate problem special envoy" is a false job. You must know that the policy of the United States and the Republican Party on climate issues is opposite.

The Democratic Party believes that climate issues are caused by carbon dioxide released by the industrial production process, so the United States promoted and joined the Paris agreement when the Democratic Party was in power.The Republican Party believes that climate issues are a conspiracy, so the United States withdrew from the Paris agreement when Trump took office.Later Bayeng came to power, and the United States returned to Paris.

Climate issues are not a scientific issue in the United States, but very important political issues.

Because the interests of the two parties are different, the Democratic Party is Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Hollywood. This is a high -tech technology group. There are fewer carbon dioxide emissions during the production process.Behind the Republican Party is traditional manufacturing companies, petrochemical enterprises, etc., naturally need to emit more carbon dioxide.

After the Democratic Party worshiped on the stage, it will subsidize the new energy and high -tech industries to benefit the group behind the group. At the same time, it will be targeted at the Republican Party.Conversely, if the Republican Party comes to power, the opposite policy will be implemented.

So there is no climate issue, some are only political interests.It can be seen that as a special envoy of the climate of the US president, it is responsible for the heavy responsibility of the hub between the Democratic Party and the interest group. This position can only be held by senior party leaders within the party.

The delicateness here is that behind the different "interests", it is exactly related to China.To a certain extent, Kerry represented the interests of the consortium behind the Democratic Party, showing good to China and looking for more opportunities.The move itself is challenging the interests of the Republican Party.

"Old acquaintance in China"

Biden and Xi Jinping have a lot of source. In 2011, the US Vice President Biden visited China. The then Vice President Xi Jinping was received. After the first meeting, the two quickly established a "private relationship".In fact, not only Biden, Crey is also very close to China.

In April 2009, Kerry, who was in office, publicly advocated that any global issue requires the United States and China to work together. He also said, "We are in a period of challenging, and challenges often have opportunities. Deng XiaopingI have said that "no matter the white cat and black cat, it is a good cat that can catch the mouse ', let's catch the mouse more." In May of that year, Cry visited China as the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and was in the Great Hall of the People.Get Xi Jinping's reception.

In April 2013, Kerry, who became the new US Secretary of State, visited China again, and was once again received by Xi Jinping.John Thornton, co -chairman of the Board of Directors of the Asian Association, disclosed when attending the event at the University of Texas Austin. During the administration of Obama, Kerry claimed that he had received the idea of China and generated the idea of building the "Belt and Road" with China.However, due to the obstruction of senior US Treasury officials, the proposal failed to report to Obama in the end.Kerry described this as "the biggest political opportunity to miss his life".

After Bayeng came to power, the heavy responsibility of repairing Sino -US relations has always been on Kerry.In April 2021, when the crown disease epidemic spread the world, the Kerry as the first senior official of the Bayeng government visited China to break the ice for Sino -US relations.On August 31 of that year, when the Chinese and American government stood up on the Meng Wanzhou incident, it was Kerry's visit to China. After January, Meng Wanzhou was able to return to China.

Nowadays, Sino -US relations are not just cracks, but they have fluctuated in large fluctuations. They may even "wipe their guns and get angry." Biden can only send the veterans to get out of the horse.

In accordance with the official draft -the agreed by China and the United States, Crey visited China from July 16th to 19th.China will implement the spirit of the two heads of state in Bali, and exchanged in -depth opinions on the issues related to climate change.It is just that "exchange opinions" do not take three days.When the Kerry meeting, Li Qiang emphasized that the two countries can use the cooperation of climate change to redefine US -China relations that are in trouble.Kerry has always tried to draw climate issues with a wider diplomatic dispute, but when Wang Yi visited China in Cry in 2021, he stated that climate issues cannot be treated separately from other more concerns.

Cry's veteran comes out of the horse.