Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Tang Shaocheng

Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde will lead the group to attend the new presidential inauguration ceremony of Paraguay in mid -August. During the way, the United States will be passed on the way.Any reason to be beautiful, and claims to take strong measures to counter it.And US Secretary of State Brillings said that the vice president of Taiwan's transit in the United States fully meets the US -Chinese China policy, and Beijing has no reason to provoke it.As for which American politicians meeting with Lai Qingde, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs kept at home.

At the end of March this year, Tsai Ing -wen crossed the United States in a low -key way. Among them, Beijing used Russian cards to counter the United States to play Taiwanese cards, as if it had produced some effects.Otherwise, according to the Taiwan Travel Law, Cai can access the United States. Why is it still transit?But even if it is only transit, it has caused the mainland to launch a military exercise for Taiwan.

Following the mid -June visit of U.S. Secretary of State Brosky, the US -China exchange channels that were interrupted for half a year were restored, and the financial minister Yellen and the climate ambassador Ceri visited the middle, and the dawn of US -China relations appeared.However, on the other hand, NATO invited leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Year to participate in the summit to strengthen the encirclement of the mainland. In addition, in order to resist the home advantage of Chinese missiles, the Republican members of the United States have recently announced that they will propose "The Rings of Fire Act of 2023 is in order to create a anti -mid -front line in the Indo -Pacific region and will be stationed in the Japan, the Philippines, Australia and other countries., Vaguely intended to be included in Taiwan.

Under the gaming environment of the United States and China, Lai Qingde has passed the United States. If you try to achieve the purpose of his campaign as a bet on the property of the Taiwanese people, it is expected that the mainland will have a strong response.Whether the tragedy card is still valid, I am afraid it is a big question.

In the past few DPP leaders visited, Beijing has removed Taiwan's diplomatic relations after the incident. However, after breaking the diplomatic relations, this method of Taiwan is relatively unsightly, but the leaders have no face.It will also be made in the same way, and you need to observe.A few days ago, President Panania was elected Pannia to visit Taiwan and vowed to continue to consolidate the friendship of Taiwan and Pakistan, but it was not the best time to seek a subsidiary of Taiwanese assistance before he took office and Lai Qingde.How much is the price of the Taiwanese side paid?Can the resources provided continue to maintain bilateral friendship?It is really suspicious.

Recently, the former AIA Bangicani Pangicana's proposal to the Central American Parliament has revoked Taiwan's permanent observer, and instead replaced by mainland China.In particular, in the past 7 years in Tsai Ing -wen, there have been nine diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Act of Friends often say that they have changed.With such consolidation, the Cai government should be honest with the people.

Recently, Brintken reiterated that the United States has no intention of changing the current situation of the Taiwan Strait, and the policy of Bayeng's government has not changed. It even mentioned that he had a meeting with Wang Yi in Indonesia not long ago.The United States is still looking forward to supporting Lai Qingde's transit, but presumably the United States and Taiwan will pay a considerable price again.

The United States' attitude towards Taiwan is extremely obvious: on the one hand, playing Taiwan cards, but also known as Taiwan independence, it is a major contradiction in itself.Lai Qingde is not only the current vice president, but also the 2024 presidential candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party. As his "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker", and recently claiming that "when Taiwan can enter the White House, the political goals they are pursuing have been achieved." It can be said that it can be said thatIt is the bottom line of the United States and Beijing. This transit in the United States, the political sensitivity is relatively high.If Tsai Ing -wen has had to do low -key in the United States before, Lai Qingde must be more cautious. This is also a test of him to deal with Sino -US relations. If there is a gunfire to get angry, it will directly affect his election.

Relatively, because the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi has accepted the 1992 consensus, his visit to the United States in September did not cause Beijing to disturb. In contrast to the two phases, the 2024 election played a decisive game and is about to be performed.In fact, from historical experience, the factors that external forces involved in the Taiwan election cannot be underestimated. Whether the United States can really maintain the promise of not being selected in the Taiwan election this time is also the focus of everyone's observation.

(the author is a professor of Taiwan's Political Congress)