Richard Nathan Haass, who is the "Foreign Relations Committee" (also known as the Foreign Relations Association, also said that the Council On Foreign Relations) left office at the end of June this year.But he was not talking about diplomacy, but internal affairs that he talked about the New Bill of Obligations: The Bill of Obligations: The Bill of Obligations.

What is even more remarkable is that this book opens Mingyi that the biggest threat to the security and stability of the United States is not from the outside, but various internal political differences.Deep political differences make it difficult for the United States to formulate and implement a stable foreign policy, and a country with internal rumors is also difficult to become a model of other countries.The incident that crashed on the Parliament Building on January 6, 2021 shows that internal differences have reached danger.American democracy is at stake.

Why did the United States come to this step?Has' view is: American democracy only speaks rights and does not speak obligations.A democracy that only focuses on protecting and promoting personal rights must fall into crisis, because different rights must be conflicted with each other.Unless everyone can compromise, be willing to coexist peacefully, and seek differences.In addition to rights, everyone must also bear their own obligations, including the obligations between citizens, and the obligations between citizens and the government.

This is his purpose of writing this book.The Ten Commandments of the Citizens (Ten Article 10) listed in the book are: 1. To be a citizen; 2. Actively participate in national affairs; 3. To compromise; 4. Maintain civilization; 5. Reject violence; 6. Six, 6.Pay attention to norms; seven, promote common interests; 8. Respect government services; 9. Support citizen education; 10. The country first.The first ten amendments to the US Constitution collectively referred to as the Bill of Rights. Has opened the Ten Commandments of Citizen's Obligations to remind people that rights and obligations were like two sides of a copper plate, which was indispensable.

These good citizens and good habits are really familiar to us.In fact, no matter what political system a country is implemented, the government and the people must fulfill their due obligations to achieve stability, development and prosperity.U.S. democracy has been implemented for more than 200 years. Why is it necessary to talk about citizen's obligations today?Has believes that the development of democracy in the United States has occurred, and the United States is currently facing a crisis of democracy based on rights.

Rights and obligations are imbalanced Political division and deepen

The problem of guns in the United States can be said to be one of the best examples.The freedom to hold the gun was written in the Constitution. It has been like a holy cow for a long time. Although the times have changed and the social situation has changed.The flood of guns has become a serious public security issue in American society today, and tens of thousands of people die every year from the violence of guns.According to data from the Pedu Research Center in April this year, data from the US Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that as many as 48,830 people died in 2021 due to gunshot wounds.Although there is a strong shot of gun control in the society, the legislation of the gun control is often stopped by the court, because it is unconstitutional.

However, the imbalance of rights and obligations seems to be just a aspect of crisis in American society.The almost solidified political division also reflects a deeper issue, that is, the corruption and deterioration of political parties, which may also be a greater danger faced by American democracy.Yes, everyone competes for rights and rights, so many conflicts have arisen, such as the blacks fight for civil rights, women fight for abortion, homosexuals fight for marriage, etc., all cause arguments and conflicts, and derive the so -called so -called so -called so -calledThe key to identity politics is, why can't everyone compromise?Behind this, political parties have played a great role.

The reason why political parties are unwilling to compromise is that the party is set up to fight for power.In the era of decisive defeat in the battlefield, it is the regime in the gun. In the era of the election, the votes replaced the bullets, and the chopping head became a head, but in essence, the struggle for your death and me is the same.The founders of the United States were worried about the differences in political groups (party) from the beginning, but this problem is still unsolved so far, and it can even be said to be intense.It is not possible to solve the obligation.For example, you can tell voters' obligations when voting, but many people are extremely tired of politics. Even the presidential elections often have 30%to 40%of people who do not participate in voting.

This involves the problem of evil quality of the election said by Taiwanese.One of the deep reasons is "Dark Money".Black or darkness means that you ca n’t see light. Generally speaking, the gold master controls politicians, and in exchange for business and other interests through political donations (such as sponsorship campaign funds).Political contributions are popular in the United States and affects politics. Therefore, legislative control was attracted, but later the Supreme Court made an amazing judgment that political donations were personal freedom, and this kind of freedom should not be limited.Therefore, for political donations, political black gold has also been bleached.In the United States, the required campaign funds are huge and amazing. If you can't find enough gold master support, you want to win the election campaign.As a result, Democracy eventually evolved into Plutocracy, collusion with politics and business, and had about politics and corruption of money.Politics gradually becomes a power game for political elites and rich tycies, and it is getting farther and farther from the livelihood, which makes it not surprising that political differentiation is made.

This is not a unique political phenomenon in the United States. Everywhere is the place where capitalism and market economy are implemented. Whether it is democracy or one -party dictatorship, China and Vietnam have endless greedy officials.As long as the market economy is implemented, capital will pour, and wherever capital goes, it is bound to have a relationship with politics.In the market economy, money (capital) is indispensable and the most tempting, because people have the nature of greed, and the temptation of money is easy to hold, even if they know that once the east window happens, the consequences are serious.Those who master sufficient capital are the one who knows the use of money to attack human weaknesses. This is the starting point of political corruption.

The old saying goes, things must rot first and then insects.Various corruption phenomena in American society are actually signs of political corruption.Political corruption is corrupted by public morality, and private morality is lost.In the United States, corrupt cancer cells seem to spread to other organs in politics, not only limited to politics, but signs show that even courts cannot be spared.Recently, Clarence Thomas, a black judge in the Supreme Court, was involved in such a scandal.

Thomas is one of the six conservative judges in the Supreme Court.Recently, the media broke the news that he had long received the funding from the Republican Gold Lord Harlan Crow, including luxury tourism facilities; some people revealed that he had received sponsorship of some lawyers and paid him for the cost of opening a Christmas party.EssenceSome people say that this is institutional corruption.Sure enough, it is not a big problem that the volunteer can solve.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress