Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Author: Li Yuyang

Recently, a well -known blogger in Mainland China and current affairs involved in Hong Kong, Jing Haihou, what kind of Hong Kong do we need in Hong Kong, which has caused a lot of response in the formation circle, and even on the Hong Kong local forum "Lian Deng"There are also discussions.The content and partial use of this article, such as "Ning Zuo Shifu", "overkill", "labeling", "not tossing", etc., to a large extent, it also represents the current mentality of some Hong Kong people.The identity and doubt of identity are also the thinking and unknown of Hong Kong's future development.

After Hong Kong experienced the double blow of the repair storm and the crown disease epidemic, in the "post -National Security Law" era, the changes and unchanged changes and unchanged systems of one country, two systems, and how to maintain the uniqueness of Hong Kong itself have become the country's own uniqueness.And major topics in front of Hong Kong.

The quality of Hong Kong governance depends on the two dimensions

On November 19, 2002, the then Prime Minister Zhu Yiji visited Hong Kong. When receiving a banquet of the Hong Kong government at the Person Palace, he made a speech: "The future of Hong Kong is bright. We are always proud of Hong Kong.I don't believe that Hong Kong may not be good. If Hong Kong is not good, not only you have the responsibility, we also have the responsibility. Hong Kong returns to the motherland and destroy it in our hands.

The good and bad of Hong Kong governance at this stage depends on the two dimensions: on the one hand, the policy formulation and implementation of the Hong Kong government's policy, whether the implementation of the people will pay for it; on the other handThe control is whether there is a deterioration of Yan or Song and the two systems.There are also intersections between these two dimensions, that is, the agent's understanding and execution of the central policy route.If the understanding is poor, the execution is not in place; but if the starting point is only to perform the satisfaction of the perception, and selectively ignore the depth of understanding, it is even more vigilant.

The proposal and implementation of the ideas of one country and two are the collective wisdom of the older generation of the mainland government.As the best solution to solve the problem of the history of Hong Kong's history, it is the best institutional arrangement for Hong Kong to maintain long -term prosperity and stability after the return of Hong Kong. This system is no problem, and it must be adhered to for a long time.

However, with the changes and development of the times, whether it is the central or Hong Kong, it will change the understanding and grasp of the practice laws of one country, two systems, and changes.Before 2019, there is a dispute between which one of the "one country" and the "two systems" in the first and which one in the later conscious, A kind of concern for the uniqueness of the "two systems", thinking about finding the largest equivalent of "one country" and "two systems".

Hong Kong wants to guard the world confidence

"One country" and "two systems" do not conflict or conflict.The good and bad of one country, two systems is the side epitome of the relationship between the central government and the Hong Kong Special Economic Zone. It is like playing seesaw with his son with his son. Sometimes, the dad moves slightly, and the position of the son will change.The momentum makes the son only stay at the highest point and cannot move.

The central government will always want to maintain the unique status and advantages of Hong Kong. Whether the success of one country, two systems is to prove to the world, and it is more related to the solution of future Taiwan issues.Maintain efficient, fair, free and open business environment, maintain a normal legal system and contact rate system, and expand smooth and convenient international connection. These are important cornerstones of the success of Hong Kong and one country.Can replace the fundamental elements of Hong Kong.These central government knows that Hong Kong knows more; what Hong Kong has to do is to protect the world's trust and confidence in this, not self -abolition.

To tell the story of Hong Kong, it is actually to tell the world, two systems, and make the world feel that it is not a "one country and one system".Just as you cannot rely on "musk natural fragrance" alone, you must also "paint a doll to draw the bowel".In the past year, whether it is "Hello Hong Kong" or the launch of "Gao Cai Tong", or the introduction of key enterprise offices, the SAR government has done a lot of work to show a economic recovery and vigorous Hong Kong in order to show the world after the epidemic.It also achieved certain results.

Hong Kong's inherent traditional advantages and economic foundations can be returned as long as it is propagated;It must be faced, and it is also a problem that must be solved.

Although the influence of large background factors such as geopolitics and conflict between China and the United States, it must not be avoided or contributed by the words "strong condemnation" and "resolute opposition".What is Hong Kong story?Tell the story of Hong Kong, or is it a good Hong Kong?How to tell the story of Hong Kong, how can it be recognized not only to the international community, but also resonated with the Hong Kong society?For these three issues, it is necessary for the SAR Government to re -sort out whether there are new focus on whether it will be in the future to maintain a new image of one country, two systems.

The National Security Law is by no means to resolve the internal contradictions of the people

In the article of Jinghai Hou, I agree with one of the words: "Don't ask for no merit, but you have nothing to do;Whether it can tell the stories of Hong Kong and whether it can implement one country and two systems.

The new Hong Kong after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law is essential in the process of turning from chaos, although "pain relief" is essential, but in the process of Yizhi and Xingxing, if everything is still on the grounds of Guoan, it will only only be on the grounds of Guoan.Further reduce Hong Kong people's confidence and recognition of the government's inner recognition, as well as confidence and recognition of one country, two systems.What power needs to pay more attention is that the National Security Law is only used to confuse anyway and deal with external forces. It is not used to solve the internal contradictions of the people, nor is it the Sword of the Fang Fang Sword used as a personal invitation.

(The author is Deputy Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Youth Times Critics Association)