The wealth of 500 rich people around the world increased by 852 billion US dollars (about S $ 1.15 trillion) in the first half of 2023.This is the fastest growth of the wealth wealth since the second half of 2020.The Bloomberg billionaire index report said that each member on the index list has earned an average of $ 14 million per day in the past six months.

There are two understandings and reactions in this news.One is the expansion of the global economy and the increase of human total wealth.The other is that the gap between the rich and the poor has intensified, and the phenomenon of injustice is even more serious.Both have certain truths, but this kind of south also reflects deeper issues.

The rapid increase in wealth wealth has even reached an average of $ 14 million per day of stunned individuals. Maybe it can only be said that it is incomparable, and there is no negative significance implied by the second way of understanding.After all, the increase of these rich wealth is not based on the premise of sacrificing the wealth of others.In other words, the lives of others are as usual, not because the rich becomes more richer.

Similar to the second indispensable emotions, some public opinion reactions caused by the two ministers leased the state -owned black and white house incidents, especially those who held the banner of the right to society, were vaguely revealed.Congress spent six hours of debate on July 3 to prove that there is no illegal or corruption.From the government's subsequent formulation of new standards, and tightening relevant public officials when renting state -owned real estate, declare whether they have taken necessary steps to avoid conflicts of interest.The truth.

Another controversy that resonates is that some people question whether the Cabinet Minister lives in a large mansion, can still keep in touch with the people, and has the same sense of the people's situation; some people question whether this will give people a kindSingapore has unequal perception.This is probably worth a scrutiny.

Whether policy makers can maintain contact with the people, whether they are in the same situation of the people of the people, and the standard of inspection is not their living conditions or living environment, but whether the policies formulated to benefit the people.As for inequality, it is even more necessary to further analyze it.

The perception of unequal residence in the residence area is too large. The premise assumes that the judgment of unequal judgment comes from the equality of the result, not the equality of the opportunity.This is obviously the criterion for judging.The Russian Great Win Tolstoy wrote in Anna Carenina: "Happy families are similar, and unfortunate families have their own misfortunes." Everyone's life encounters are different, and they will inevitably produce their own happiness and their own happiness andUnlucky.There are challenges of the external environment, but it is more the result of the choice of personal life.

blame the individual's misfortune due to the wrong choice, revealing a bad mentality that he is unwilling to face his responsibility.Everyone's congenital endowment and the acquired encounters are very different, resulting in uneven income and social status.As long as it is a fair competition based on transparent rules, no matter what activities, the results of the pyramid -shaped win and losing will inevitably appear.Any reasonable person understands and accepts this fact. Whether it is a doctor who returns to spring, a superb star or a successful entrepreneur, no normal people will complain about their wealth.In the same way, no matter where you are in the pyramid, people who know life can always live with dignity, let alone jealous of the achievements of others because of their own unsatisfactory.

As long as most people at the bottom of the pyramids will not have three meals, there is no place to live, struggling on the poor line every day, and it is difficult to live a decent life.Privacy.If you blindly attack successful people to support their respects, and ignore their invention creation or professional skills that contribute to society by their own efforts, it is the social collective that is lost in the end.Of course, if the pyramid is based on the bullies and the weakness of the bottom of society, it must not only give strong moral condemnation, but such pyramids will not be stable and lasting.

British writer Douglas Murray mentioned the concept of a deep province when interpreting the Russian writer Dostoevsky's religious and moral philosophy.Murray said that Turnedevsky said borrowing the devil's mouth that the devil would not be grateful, otherwise it would not be a devil.Murray further emphasized that those who advocate violent revolution to destroy everything are not concerned about establishing a more fair new world for the proletarian, although it is a public slogan (more excuses), which drives them more to others.With unwillingness; and because of their unable to achieve the same achievements through legitimate competition, they must destroy people who are better than them and the fruits created by these people.

One Yin and Yiyang means the Tao. In the novel, Dosturvsky pointed out: "If you prove that there is a devil, is it prove that there is God?"When you have the intention, get to know God through the identification of the devil, maybe it is the avenue of personal redeemed — Chang Huai is grateful, but it is rather to point to the avenue and the road signs far from hell.

Even if it is a pyramid that is based on fair competition, the situation of people at the bottom is still worthy of sympathy, especially those who are inherently impossible to compete.US federal law stipulates that the army is not allowed to recruit citizens with insufficient IQ, because they lack enough intellectual training, and they will endanger the safety of the same robe.According to different algorithms, the IQ line of enlistment is about 83.A large number of investigations have confirmed that the distribution of human IQ is bell -shaped curve. Most of the people belong to the intermediate value, and high IQ and low IQ are very small; 83 or lower people account for nearly 20%of the social population.This brutal data means that one -five -fifth person has a probability of facing competition failure, especially in the era of artificial intelligence that is increasingly paying attention to intelligent competition.

So far, no social can systematically solve this moral problem. Of course, this does not mean that people have given up trying.What's more important is that you are grateful and away from the temptation of Devil's red eye disease.The unevenness has always been a reality. How to worry about it reflects the good and evil of everyone's heart.