Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Zhang Zhongmou, the founder of TSMC Zhang Zhongmou, talked about globalization twice in the past half a year, and has attracted much attention.In December last year, he pointed out that "globalization is dead" at the TSMC US factory movement ceremony; recently, he was invited to give a speech at the invitation of the Industry and Commerce Association, and the theme was "redefining globalization."From global elec to a new solution, he asked, "Can this be regarded as globalization?" Zhang Zhongmou was not only low in the badge of globalization. He also actively welcomed anti -globalization challenges and looked for re -positioning and layout.For Taiwan, which is marginalized in the giant waves and attached to the anti -globalization hurricane, Zhang Zhongmou's high -looking view can give the Cai government inspiration?

For the definition of globalization, the outside world has a lot of views, but it mainly focuses on trade exchanges, capital flows, population movement, information communication, etc., and pay attention to its challenges to national sovereignty and boundary.And the social unequal to exacerbate problems.Globalization has been considered irreversible. Even the anti -globalization shouts outside the international leader's peak venue are only regarded as the nostalgia of the old leftist to satisfy the struggle.

The United States has promoted the color revolution through globalization in the scope of the former Soviet forces such as Central Asia and Eastern Europe, and even hopes to change China.However, the reform and opening up of mainland China rushed to the United States with a global train, until it fell into a "trap of Xiu Xidid" with the United States.At the same time, the role of depressed state is gradually looking up, and the country's security and interests are ultimately above globalization. The political elites and economic nobles of society are not dominated by society.The Trump administration of the United States tries to block the globalization process, and has launched a trade war and scientific and technological warfare in China to promote geopolitical risks.After the Bayeng government came to power, he realized that the United States could not decide, and the conflict was immediately out of the case.

Taiwan has long benefited from global dividends in the past, clarified its strategic positioning, and once had the ambition to establish the Asia -Pacific operating center and develop Taiwan to become the Asia -Pacific economic hub.However, the change of regimes and policies, coupled with the changes in the international and cross -strait situations, allows Taiwan to drift in different positioning.Taiwan once wanted to "go to the world through China", and the world also wanted to "enter China through Taiwan"; but after the second party rotation, even the good "follow the world to China" is gone.When Trump is going to be decoupled with mainland China, the DPP has seriously walked towards a "globalization without China".

As a result, the Tsai government's favorite global democratic alliance hanging on the mouth has transformed into a democratic value alliance. Taiwan is still often dwarfed and excluded internationally internationally.Taiwan has continued to be refused outside the door of regional integration in economic and trade, and it is difficult for agricultural and fishery products that are banned to land to the world outside mainland China.Taiwan is also unable to get out of the dilemma of the gap between the rich and the poor and the low salary of youth.It is embarrassing that even the scientific and technological upgrade and global layout of the fraud group run faster than the Cai government.

TSMC, like most Taiwanese companies, chose globalization.TSMC has benefited in globalization, leading the world in the semiconductor field, and becoming a god of protecting the country.In the US -China chip war, Zhang Zhongmou stated that although he supported the United States to suspend the pace of development of Chinese chips in mainland China; but he also pointed out that the US -China chip war has made the globalization of the chip industry dead and the free trade is endangered.TSMC was forced to quickly respond in anti -globalization against the current, re -layout, and cautiously responded to the competition and geographical risks of great powers.

In 2002, British sociologist Jiden Steel visited Taiwan. When facing the voice of protest of globalization, the phenomenon of "anti -globalization" is also a globalization trend.After Zhang Zhongmou announced the death of globalization, he redefined the globalization to resurrect.It can be seen that globalization is not dead, but it only needs to be redefined.The key is: between globalization and anti -globalization, how to locate, layout and do.The most fearful thing is that although the Cai government talks about globalization, it cannot lead Taiwan to get out of the position; when the Cai government follows the clamor to fight against globalization, it will only make Taiwan become the fate of the character and the chess pieces.