"Are you on vacation?"


"Why don't you answer my phone?"


I am speechless, do I have to ensure that the 24 -hour attention is on my mobile phone if there is a mobile phone?Is it very abnormal to miss the call?

The working group is quiet during the working hours. From the weekend to the weekend or in the middle of the night, I like to send some work tasks in the group, either to find Zhang San, or find Li Si. I feel that someone is working at night.Later nights and weekend work overtime.

I believe many people have similar experiences.

Mobile phones are the great invention of modern society, and various instant messaging applications have brought great convenience to communication between people.However, the application of mobile phones and instant messaging to a certain extent has also become a fetters and cage. It deprives individuals' freedom and alone space. If it is not good, it is easy to focus on doing their own things.If the necessary shielding and disconnection of mobile phones and text messages cannot be used in a timely manner, your time is likely to be split and shattered by the outside of the interference, cutting, and being led by others all day instead of following your own plan.Go to work and live.

Work and life should interact with the outside world and others. We need information about the outside world and also need to communicate with others, but we also have to "leave white" for our work and life, keep some non -interference, think independently, andFocus on doing things, and some "not online" time to leave the phone completely.

When working, it is best to be isolated from the outside world every day.Some tasks need to be done without disturbing to improve the quality and efficiency of the work.In the working hours of concentration of spiritual non -disturbing, the mobile phone is mute or set to a flight mode to place a relatively far away from yourself.Do not look at the various text messages coming, let alone see web pages or social media that are not related to work, and focus on completing various tasks.This not only allows yourself to develop good work habits, but also a necessary means to ensure the quality of work.

I found that people who are at ease and have a high quality of work are usually more focused people.They won't browse the text messages, call, swipe social media or look at various network information.On the contrary, people who are often distracted by information from the outside world not only do not have high work quality, but also busy all day long. They also have to work overtime from time to time. I feel that the time of investment and the results of the output are seriously asymmetric.

After handling the work for a day, you must leave part of your body or family when you go home from work. Therefore, it is necessary to put down your mobile phone at home and leave a time period when you do not accept external information interference.The convenience of mobile phones, complicated information, amazing "algorithms" of small videos, and seductive challenges of the game can easily make people turn the heads and become people living in the mobile phone world.

The best way to quit "mobile phone addiction" is to "physical separation" with the mobile phone.When I go home, I will either completely leave my mobile phone and go out to do at least one hour of exercise without finding any reason to bring my mobile phone.Even if you do n’t have exercise habits, you need to make a period of time without a mobile phone and become a normal person who lives independently without relying on your mobile phone.During this period, it is important to put down their mobile phones to each other and perform some high -quality interaction and companionship together.

Before going to bed at night, you must be able to enter the state of sleep quickly. It is best not to bring your phone into the bedroom.After reading all kinds of information you want to see, after replying to the text message you should reply, turn off your phone and put it outside the bedroom, so that you will not look downless and you can't fall asleep.Enter the bedroom, review what you do for a day, what you see and hear, and review the gains and losses in your mind in your mind. This will not only help enter the sleep state, but also avoid the duplicate state of life in the day after day.

When you do n’t think about it, you can easily walk forward unconsciously by various information flow every day; from time to time, you can accept some information consciously.Everything has its own independent thinking and direction, and the daily experience will accumulate into a guide to do things in the future.

Do not let your mobile phone dominate life, do not let various external information disrupt the rhythm of work and life.Mobile phones are important to us and bring various conveniences, but we cannot become slaves to mobile phones.The wise approach is to set the time to set up and "break" the mobile phone daily, and "offline".

(the author is the company's financial staff)