Six states of neighboring countries (Penang, Selangor, Samililan, Jedie, Ji Lan and Dengga Lou) are imminent, and the popularity of election campaigns has continued to rise.In the stress of the party alliances, the Malaysian government recently announced that it plans to formulate a new decree called the "National and National Law" to deal with people who manipulate the royal family, races and religious topics.A Salina, the Minister of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, who is responsible for the reform of the law and system, said that the new law is similar to Singapore's maintenance of racial harmony.

Malaysia's current 1848 Incision Act deal with people who rendered the "3R" project (race, religion and royal family), but it was mainly targeted at criminal criminals.Recently, the campaigns have been smoking, and some politicians have recklessly manipulating the "3R" subject. The Malaysian government obviously feels that the existing laws and regulations are powerless.

Kualapo Xingzhou Daily reported on January 7, 2021: The "Anti -Poorist Project" published a list of "20 most risks in the world", and former Prime Minister Mahathir ranked 14th.This old news was recently dug out by Malaysian netizens.

So far, the list of updated "Anti -Extremeist Projects" has gathered the evils of international rivers and lakes of extremism. The top two are HEZBOLLAH, the Secretary -General of the Lebanon, Hashan and the Islamic State Organization (Isis) Amir, Harry, is the leader of terrorist organizations.

The reason why Lao Ma was seen at that time, because he was anti -Jewish and anti -West; when France was attacked in terrorist attacks in October 2020, he also made a very terrorist attack.

Over the years, Old Horse has worked hard to disguise it into a "mild extremist", which has allowed him to eat internationally. In Malaysia, there were many Chinese worshipers.

Lao Ma recently unveiled the camouflage mask and publicly preached extreme racist speech on Facebook.For example, he said that although Malaysia is composed of citizens of different races, it does not mean that it is a multi -ethnic country and the statement of preaching multiple races violates the Malaysian Federal Constitution.His basis is that the Malaysian Federal Constitution did not clarify that Malaysia was a diverse country.The conclusion is: "With the Mandarin, tradition, and the Malay royal family, the constitution can confirm that the country is a Malaysian country." At that time, he ranked only 14th on the list of 20 villains, which was really wronged.

Old horses have been unpopular through policy to instill Malaysian racism through policies.In his 22 years and 22 months of governance, his racial policy infiltrated all levels of politics, economy, and society, and the consequences were obvious to all.

A strange thing happened recently. A Chinese female shop owner who runs a clothing store in Jilan Danzhou was issued a penalty for a short pants T -shirt in the store.dignified!

This incident caused a lot of uproar in society. Netizens discuss it. Zhang Qingxin, the Minister of Malaysia Tourism, Art and Culture, called on the government to not let it repeat it. He was worried that it would scare away foreign tourists and affect tourism.

From a higher perspective, this storm hides more worrying information.Many years ago, the laundry operated by Malays also rejected the business of Chinese customers because the clothes of Chinese are not holy and may stain the washing machine.Compared with the so -called "dignified dignity" incident this time, the essence of the two things before and after the same thing is the same. Today, the idea of extremism may spread to various fields with the growth of the Islamic party forces.The incident will become the norm of Malaysian society.

Hadi Awang, the leader of the Islamic Party, claims that the Islamic Party has the right to manage the non -Muslim.The implication is that Islamic law can also be used in non -Muslims, which is not as good as the extreme remarks of the old horse.The 98 -year -old horse, there is not much time, the older he is, the more evil, but the dying struggle.Prime Minister Anhua wants to expose his bottom of his years of collecting money for the family and stealing national wealth. The last means of the old horse is the disruption (this is also what he is best at), destroy the unity government, let the Malaysian politics reshuffle again, and disperse the people's people’s again.attention.Mahathir's remarks are not fresh, but just worsening.

Malaysia is now intended to Singapore's maintenance of racial harmony, but Singapore's decree has been brewing a new version.

The Ministry of the Interior, the National Security Coordination Secretariat, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Environmental Development and the Environment on April 13 this year revealed that in order to respond to new threats, Singapore will update the law. RecentlyIt will be introduced to maintain racial harmony laws and encourage different racial groups to be tolerant of each other.

Premier Li Xianlong announced at the National Day Mass Conference as early as 2021 that it will formulate a racial harmonious law.At that time, the crown disease epidemic just broke out shortly, and some incidents involved in race attracted social attention. The decree aims to integrate the provisions of race -related, and it will also include some more flexible measures.

Maintaining racial relations does not mean that the issue of racial relations will be a restricted area, which cannot be discussed.It is believed that even after the introduction of the new racial harmony law, the topics of the mainstream media and online platforms will not disappear.The issues that can't hear or see racial relations at all are not the same as that of racial harmony in Singapore is no longer a problem.

The Minister of the Internal Affairs and Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, has recently could not avoid some "sensitive" issues in the 35th anniversary of the Singapore Policy Research Institute's 35th anniversary.% To 15 % of the status of the second largest community.

If the issue of racial relations is "sweeping into the carpet", it can only launch mines for the harmonious society on the surface.The new laws in the proposal contain flexible measures, and it depends on how the government maintains social harmony in the future.But the extreme characters against Mahathir could not be softened, so that he had no room for wicked people in the island country.