Source: Taiwan Industrial and Commercial Times Society

The NATO Summit (NATO) summit ended. The three most noticeable things were: after the Russia -Ukraine War was over, the United States would consider that Ukraine joined NATO; Turkey no longer opposed it.32 member states; four countries in Japan, South Korea, and New Australia have signed the "Individual Partnership Program" to become NATO's "Asia-Pacific Four" in NATO.These three major developments show that under the United States, NATO walked from the North Atlantic to the Western Pacific, not only "eastward" in Europe, but also "eastward Asia Pacific".Essence

This year's NATO Summit was held in Vernis, the capital of Lithuania from 11-12. Lithuania was a pioneer of European "anti -Chinese anti -Russia". NATO chose to hold the summit at this summit.In addition to the Sweden as a prospective member of NATO (still at the consent of the parliament of various countries), the most important moment is that after the American President Biden delivered a speech, Ukrainian President Zeroski was in front of the G7 leader and two EU leaders. ThanksAll countries support Ukraine and hope to join NATO after the war.However, there are still three topics that must be discussed at the time of Russia and Ukraine.

First of all, the war will end, but there are still suspense in what way and when it is over.This battle has reached the turning point. The three most likely situations are: first, the stalemate is not under the existing control of the territory, forming a military confrontation.Second, in the situation of confrontation, the message and goodwill of willingness to stop war, under the leadership of the United States, start a peace talks.Third, the bottom line of the territory of the peace talks is a problem of no solution. Whether it is back to the border boundary before the war on February 24 last year, or before the Crimean war earlier in 2014, the Crimean Peninsula still belongs to Ukraine.The territory is a "political suicide" plan that Russian President Putin cannot accept at this stage.

Secondly, next year will be an international election year. Whether it is Russia, Ukraine or the United States, the heads of state will have a major pressure of re -election and losses.After a six -year Russian president, Putin will expire in May next year and will start another new term.Just after the danger of "One -day soldiers" in the Wagner Group in June, Putin faced the US -led "NATO New East Expansion" and did not have a step back.For a five -year President of Ukraine, after taking office in 520 in 2019, Zeroski has also been re -elected next year.As for Biden, who has been announced to run for re -election, the most important goal should be the war to end this war that consumes Russia's national strength, cracks the European Union, and weaken Germany and France.Foreign (heat) war, domestic (selected) war ".

In the end, although the Ukraine believes that it is the first to block Russia's invasion of Europe, so that the NATO countries have "no war in the Eastern Line", and they have obtained their qualifications to become NATO member states, and they have obtained the forefront of Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Liguanuania.Highly supported, but still lost to the United States, Biden finally made the premise of "End of the War" as the prerequisite for Ukraine to join NATO.

The important changes in Europe in recent years have been politically that the European Union encountered Brexit. NATO in the military has successively accepted Finland and Sweden as a new member country, and the economic euro area joined Croatia this yearBecome the 20th country to use the euro.The Russian and Ukraine War was the largest -scale war that continental Europe faced after World War II, which changed the political territory of European countries.NATO, dominated by the United States, originally "heroes useless", but after the "baptism" of the Russia and Ukraine War, it became the most important "overseas country" that affects the development of European political and economic and social development in this century.

Back to the NATO summit, Sweden was allowed to join NATO, and the result of Ukraine's "post -war again" depends on the design of the mechanism that requires everyone's consent and consensus.This decision -making mechanism of international organizations sometimes feel helpless, but it is also convenient for people to "bargain".For example: Turkish strong man President Erdogan agreed to join NATO in Sweden, but also asked to join the EU; by agreeing to join in Sweden, Turkey will also go to the fighter to upgrade it.Military sales case.The price of its politics is that Russia has listed Turkey as a "unfriendly country."

In this regard, Ukraine will join NATO in the future, which also requires the consistent consensus of all member states.Due to the collective security defense, from the beginning of the Russian and Ukraine War, the United States was afraid of opposing to Russia, so as not to detonate the Third World War.In the visible future, although Ukraine's joining NATO will be set on the formal agenda, the transit of the affairs will be unpredictable in the current development, and it is difficult to judge now.

As for the NATO's public bulletin, it was approved by Russia, military threats to Taiwan, and Japan and South Korea's New Australian Pacific Pacific in the summit. Of course, it immediately caused a strong rebound in Beijing.Before NATO, it was intended to establish an office in Tokyo, Japan, and was opposed by French President Macron. Now, through the alliance with Japan, South Korea, and Australia to show its intention to expand its expansion to the Asia -Pacific region, it is boundNew nervousness.