Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

On July 13th, the first German strategy that has been delayed from the late period of Merkel's administration in the later period of Politics has finally been released.The document comes from Germany's handwriting to the Chinese Eagle representative and the Green Party Foreign Minister Berbak. Among them, "China has changed. For this reason and China's political decision, we need to change our way to China."The Prime Minister of the Communist Party of China, Tsumarz, announced the sense of "Times Turning" after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.

The total length of the strategy of China is 61 pages. The German version uses the Go chessboard as the cover. There are two sections of text explanations before the directory:

"China Strategic Game Go -in Europe is known in Europe -one of the oldest table games in the world."

"Go is carried out by two players on the square grid and placed black and white chess pieces on the square grid, with a total of 10^170 (pressed: This is a leader). Unlike chess, Go is not asking for the general, what you ask for is, what you want is, what you want, what you ask for, what you ask for is, what you want is that you are seeking the general.Strive for advantageous positions and defend the so -called 'freedom' (press: Chinese Go terminology is called "qi", that is, the blank intersection connected by a pawn on the four sides of the pawn, and German is called "Freiheiten", which is the meaning of freedom). "

For Belberk, who had been accused of being stated, these two sentences are indeed a multiculturalist "poetic".However, this long -awaited strategy of international political observers has a long time to talk about China ’s risks, but there is no specific response method, but it has a sense of" hand chess "(press:" Hands chess "is what it is.Refers to bad chess without thinking and going down).

This strategy to China has used the three -point method of "partners, competitors, and systemic opponents", just like the European Union, but the focus is on the "systemic opponent", saying that Germany is the international order to the international order.The principles of important areas have different ideas. It means that China is seeking to influence international order, in order to facilitate its party dictatorship, and "relative to the international order" based on the rules, especially at the level of human rights.

China -Russia's continued promotion relationship is accused of a direct impact on Germany's security.China's activities in the Indo -Pacific region have been described as trying to establish regional hegemony and challenge the principles of international law -South China Sea Arbitration has become an example of the latter.

"Dancing Chencang" with US Secretary of State Brosky, "Dark Crossing Chen Cang", set the foundation for establishing a peaceful solution to Taiwan in China and the United States. Bell Berbque will also "support democratic Taiwan to participate in international organizations on specific issues" and "the status quo of the Taiwan Strait can only be peaceful with peace.Methods and the consent of both parties to change "define the German" one -China policy "part of it.

In the context of the seventh round of the two rounds of government consultations in China and Germany in June, the strategy to China emphasizes the bilateral communication between Germany and China with the communication between China and EU partners.Germany's "departure team" is concerned about the development of Hua's development.The document also shows that the "China -Europe Investment Agreement", which was discussed in 2020, is now impossible to make it. It is said that candidate countries seeking to join the European Union also change their policies to China -especially the countries in Eastern and Eastern Europe.

Strategic documents say that the "reform and opening up" since the 1970s has allowed Germany to establish a close relationship network at all levels of politics, commerce, science and society with China for decades.However, the changes in China's policy in recent years have reduced exchanges and caused the asymmetry of the relationship between the two parties, indicating that "we cannot see the changes in Chinese policies and disappear."

The document refers to the various dialogue frameworks between China and Germany, but it is particularly clearing about the issues of Xinjiang and Hong Kong, saying that the German government is seeking to re -locate the dialogue between Germany and the rule of law.At the same time, the German government will also require enterprises to evaluate their human rights risks based on their supply chain investigation laws and take prevention and remedy.Export control in Germany may also be applied to human rights issues.The document also supports the EU's human rights issues.

In terms of civil society exchanges described as the foundation of Sino -German relations, documents say that German cultural institutions are far more difficult to operate in China than Chinese cultural institutions in Germany.Germany also believes that there are major imbalances.

In terms of economic relations between China and Germany, strategic documents have repeatedly popped up the tone of "not seeking decoupling" and "only re -risk and diversified supply chain", emphasizing that Germany should reduce dependence on China in a critical industry.At the same time, documents also refer to the level of China's market access at the level of government procurement, transportation, financial and service industry, legal industry, and creative industry.It is pointed out that the German government provides political support for German companies that have been discriminated against in China.Documents, also known as China's "military -civilian integration" policy, limited the cooperation between the two sides.

As for how to deal with relations with China under the new change, there seems to be only four tricks in strategic documents: one is the existing means, the other is to rely on the EU, the third is to consider, and the fourth is the self -discipline of the enterprise.

At the level of Germany and the European Union, the documents are discussed in ten areas.The first is the policy of strengthening the EU's internal markets, including scientific research, digital and green innovation, etc. These are no special methods.The second is the diversified supply chain, which must cooperate with the EU's raw material policy.The third is the so -called "technical sovereignty", which is used to fight the documents that China is seeking "the dominance of global markets and technology", but the discussion of the EU state subsidy specifications is already the main points of Brussels.

Fourth is the "risk of the Chinese market".Here, the document believes that China's "dual -loop" policy is to allow China to achieve greater economic autonomy on the one hand, but on the other hand, we must strengthen foreign dependence on China, also known as "as China is from the rules -based international order ...… Get farther and farther, the key dependence on the Chinese market, individual industries or enterprises may become a problem. "The policies mentioned here are ready -made, such as the upper limit of the investment guarantee of the 3 billion euros; some are considering, such as to avoid non -voluntary technology transfer.When a business decision, it is necessary to consider geopolitical risks, and the government will also provide related confidentiality with enterprises.

Five is the "trade instrument". Since the EU is a single market and tariff alliance, the Law here is all based on the EU's overall policy on the competition law and intellectual property rights.Sixth is investment -related. The proposal includes the foreign investment audit that the European Union and Germany have long been implemented. As for the further "foreign investment review", the document says that "it may be as important as the current policy".Work -"Responsible EU" again.

Seven is export control, and the document emphasizes that cooperation with allies must be implemented with regulations.Eighth is to protect key infrastructure. The document states that the German government will define which industries or enterprises and institutions are key infrastructure.

Nine is related to "foreign interference". Among them, spy activities, so -called Chinese "overseas police station", overseas organizations of the mainland government, illegal interference representatives, fake information spread, lobbying activities, Internet service programsAnd social media.However, the full text does not mention specific response methods.Ten is network security, which mentioned that the key infrastructure projects are extended to the digital level and promoted the common toolbox of the European Union, but there are no new specific solutions.

The last two chapters of strategic documents talk about international cooperation and domestic policies.There is no surprise of the former's lifting. It is more worth noting that Germany requires China to abandon the preferential treatment of developing countries under the WTO. There are also documents that China is directly batch of Russia's discussions on NATO.The territorial integrity action has no credibility.The latter only refers to two points. One is to strengthen the cooperation between China between the federal government departments and the local governments, and the other is to cultivate more professional talents who are familiar with China.

For Bell Berk's historic policy document, some theoreticals believe that it is at least Germany officially said goodbye to silence.The "funeral" necessary for Chinese policy in the Kle era.However, as early as the German government noticed that it was necessary to discuss such a strategic document to China, Merkel's Chinese policy had long been funeral.What people want to know is not the new cognition of China's old bombs, bombing and bombing, but how Germany is the most closely related to China's economic and trade relations on how the European Union has dealt with China.

The answer to this question cannot be found in this strategic document for China.