As the first female financial leader who has been in charge of currency and fiscal power in more than 200 years of the founding of the United States, Yelun is undoubtedly one of the most economic influential power figures in the world today.The college sent a press conference in Beijing to actively evaluate his visit to China to actively evaluate his visit to China: meeting with Chinese senior officials at the end of the visit of China.It is "direct and effective", which helps to stabilize the relationship between the two countries and achieve the goal, that is, to establish and deepen the relationship with the new economic team of China, reduce the risk of misunderstanding, and use the climate change, debt crisis, etc. in the futureCooperation in the field pave the way.

During the visit to China, Yellen repeatedly reiterated that "the United States does not seek decoupling with the Chinese economy". It is believed that it is not only her cold judgment on the current Sino -US economic and trade relations, but also to a certain extent reflects that the Bayeng government is inspected "decoupling" and "The strategy adjustment after the break chain effect.In fact, Yellen has repeatedly called on to deepen the economic connection between the two major economies of the world, and the United States attempting to "decoupling" with China will be a mistake.Even Bernus, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, rarely stated that the decoupling of the United States and China "will be stupid."This shows that Yellen's position is not isolated. There are still some relatively cold elites in Bayeng's government team, which adheres to the relatively rational competition position.This is also one of the key factors to avoid the comprehensive outbreak of the two major economies.

It is dangerous to communicate with China and the United States without communication

Although Yellen's trip to China has not held a joint journalist enrollment with Chinese colleagues, the hot interaction scene of the China -US Finance and Economics team failed to reproduce at the moment, but based on Yelle's important influence, this visitStill attracted the attention of both China and the United States and international public opinion.

As far as the Chinese reception specifications, reception details, and related feedback are concerned, China has the full attention of the reception specifications and the level, as well as the technical level of adaptation arrangements, and there are many inheritance of the upper and lower partial docking; in addition, Yeah, YeahWhen Lun arrived in Beijing, the coincidence of Tianxiang also added a little optimistic atmosphere to the trip to China.Judging from the relevant notification issued by the Chinese Ministry of Finance afterwards, China has expressed its major concern to the United States through this interview, but also has an optimistic expectations for subsequent possible cooperation.

Similarly, although the United States has not relaxed its targets in strategy and tactics, and even more technique is more vulnerable, Bayeng has even sent important court members such as Secretary of State and Treasury Secretary to visit China this year.To visit China, such as Minister of Commerce, at least to a certain extent, the United States may be more worried about the harm of comprehensive derailment on the development of the United States economy, especially industrial development.Because from the perspective of the game, the active party is generally not chosen to take the initiative to compromise.In fact, from Biden to National Security Affairs Assistant Salvin, they all believe that Yellen's visit has conducted very important and substantial interaction with China.

Some anti -China forces in the United States have first surpassed the first time that China's manufacturing output value surpassed the United States for the first time in 2010, and it will be ruthless to China.The contradictions and differences between China and the United States are well resolved or relieved through regular strategic and economic dialogue mechanisms held by the two countries.

In recent years, the United States has taken a targeted of no warning in advance in Chinese companies and individuals on the grounds that high -tech companies that China invest in and develop in the United States in the United States, which pose a threat to national security, or adopt an ultimatum format, paralyzed or evenClear China has a certain impact in the United States and constitutes a major challenge to the United States, or seduce or even global wanted the so -called high -value targets they identified.The threat of potential competitors ensures that the United States always maintains its intergenerational advantages to competitors.

From the perspective of the evolution of economic and trade frictions in China and the United States in March 2018, as far as the two largest economies in the world have evolved for more than five years, there are huge differences in values, world views, national interests, policy logic, etc.Differentially, either party cannot bear the explicit and hidden costs brought by globalization into two technologies, industries, trade, and even financial systems.The two countries have maintained $ 700 billion over the years. Even if there are strong "decoupled" willingness in the United States, the market and enterprises do not buy it most of the time.International technology or financial capitals such as Google, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase cannot be irrational to choose from the world's potential economy and one of the most important science and technology centers, because once they lose the Chinese market, it will be unbearable.The weight.The division of artificially manufacturing the global industry and science and technology division of labor will only cause a game without the final winner.

Sino -US relations will not only end

It may be based on the comprehensive assessment and repeated trade -off of the cost income of the comprehensive showdown of China and the United States."Decoming" and "disconnect chain", which de -risk "diversification", is replaced by comprehensive showdown, and by strengthening communication with effective cooperation within a certain range, it has stabilized Sino -US economic and trade relations and the basic market for national relations.

Yellen is also the leader of the US Foreign Investment Commission (CFIUS, referred to as the "US Foreign Investment Commission") with great power.According to the US institutional arrangement, the US Foreign Investment Commission, which is chairman of the Ministry of Finance, is regarded as a super institution that maintains US national security. Members are by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Land and Safety, the Ministry of CommerceThe person in charge of the US Trade Representative Office and the head of the Science and Technology Policy Office is the most mysterious and most lethal knife that US President's investment enterprises in the United States.The U.S. government's targets for high -tech companies in China are inseparable from the so -called evidence support provided by CFIUS.

In recent years, the US government has made many adjustments to CFIIS, and the goal is mainly aimed at Chinese -funded enterprises.Because CFIUS has very strict confidentiality clauses, it has never expressed their views on the review process of the enterprises involved and related cases, upholding the principle of high opaque principle, and "the president's decision is binding and cannot be questioned in law."The Trump administration easily rejected the 2017 and 2018 Chinese companies bidding American chip manufacturer Ledis Semiconductor, and Broadcom spent $ 117 billion to acquire Qualcomm's two major trading cases.

Mastering the art of dealing with strategic masters is a compulsory course for China to become a mature process.With the overall ride in Sino -US relations, China may wish to take the initiative to admit dialogue and communication on the complex and important issues of the two countries through the communication channels opened by Yellen this visit.Resolve differences, it is also appropriately reserved to offer counter -killer when necessary; use the sense of responsibility and bottom line of the great power to explore the establishment of an effective cooperation range and risk control mechanism between China and the United States.

The author is a professor at the School of International Finance and Trade, Shanghai University of Foreign Languages