The NATO Summit, described as "historic moment" by US President Biden, opened at Vilnis, the capital of Lithuania.Before the meeting, the obstacles set up by Sweden finally across Turkey were made to become the 32nd member of NATO, which made the political and strategic significance of the summit more prominent.At the same time, the four major allies leaders of the United States participated in the Asia -Pacific leader to further strengthen the image of Washington to unite the Western camp.Although Ukraine complains to join NATO is still far away, for Russia, which is deeply trapped in the Russian and Ukraine war, and China, which is being defined by Western collectives as a systematic competitors, NATO's helmet Mingjia's display power will undoubtedly constitute a certain strategic strategy.pressure.

Turkish President Erdogan, Swedish Prime Minister Christong, and NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg held a talks and reached an agreement on July 10 on the eve of the summit.Sweden vowed to promote coordination with Turkey on bilateral trade and counter -terrorism work, and actively supported the restoration of Turkey's efforts to join the EU process in exchange for Turkey's consent no longer obstructing Sweden to join NATO, and promised to submit the Swedish application for approval as soon as possible.Despite the procedures approved by Congress, it is generally believed that Turkey's approval of the position of Sweden to join NATO will not change.

There is no American figure behind this development.Just a few hours after Turkey supported Sweden to join NATO, U.S. President's national security adviser, Sarawan, revealed that President Biden supported the plan to deliver the F-16 fighter to Turkey, and the United States also supported Turkey's idea of joining the European Union.Although the EU publicly opposed to Erdogan's request to apply to the European Union and support Sweden to join NATO links, the European Union and the Sweden as a member of the European Union support the restarting Turkish application negotiations, reflecting the political influence of the United States behind the scenes.

Russia, who has not recovered from the mutiny group Wagner's mutiny, has reacted fiercely to the further east expansion of NATO.At the Asianan Foreign Minister Conference, the East Asian Summit Foreign Minister Conference, and the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov at the East Asian Summit Foreign Minister Conference, and the East Asian Summit, said in an exclusive interview with the Indonesian Ronaldo that the Russian and Ukraine War would continue until the West abandoned the plan to dominate and defeat Russia.Biden confirmed on July 7 that a bundle bomb would be provided to Ukraine.He described this as a difficult decision, but Ukraine's ammunition was almost exhausted, and these weapons were urgently needed.

Sweden's military strategy to join NATO is far -reaching.First of all, it exacerbated the pressure of defense in northern Russia.Although the population is in the early 10 million, Sweden's military strength cannot be underestimated, ranking 37th in 145 countries around the world.Once the war broke out, St. Petersburg and the capital Moscow, both major cities in Russia, were in the Swedish military strike.Secondly, with the joining of Sweden, the Baltic Sea of St. Petersburg's sea, this has become the NATO Inland Sea, surrounded by the Baltic, Finland, Sweden, and Danish members of many NATO members.Third, all the Nordic countries, which have always been in neutrality, have all joined NATO, highlighting the image of Russia's orphans in Europe, and also reminded the Russians to oppose the aggression war launched by Ukraine to join NATO.

NATO chooses to hold a summit at the small Baltic nation at the Gate of Russia to declare a strong significance.In addition, the leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, the four major allies in the United States in the Asia -Pacific allies, were invited to attend the summit to strengthen the momentum of the Western camp.Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita and Stoltenberg said that Japan welcomed Japan to establish a new partnership with NATO.South Korean President Yin Xiyue presided over the NATO Asia -Pacific Partner (AP4) Leadership Meeting to discuss the cooperation plan to respond to North Korea's provocations and maintain freedom, peace and prosperity.This development gives NATO East to expand another layer of different meanings.A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy's Embassy made a statement on July 11 that "resolutely opposed NATO 'East Asia Pacific'" and "strongly condemned" NATO accused China challenge NATO's interests and security.

Although NATO still has internal differences such as improving military budgets, accepting Ukrainian applications, looking at Chinese challenges, etc., the unity of unity shown by the summit and the ambition of eastward expansion will inevitably exacerbate Russia and the West as systemic challenges.China's pressure.The United States has successfully promoted Sweden to join NATO and planned the Asia -Pacific allies to participate in the summit. The image of the Western co -owner was established.Following the Wakashima Summit of the Seventh Kingdom Group in May, the global geopolitical towards opposition is a step forward.