Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Yiguan City

Hou Youyi stated that he was willing to accept the 1992 consensus in conjunction with the Constitution of the Republic of China.As soon as this statement came out, at least the internal doubts about the internal blue camp's delay in the consensus of 1992 can help condense the blue camp; as for whether it can attract economic voters, middle class, and even farmers, although there is still a lot of room for observation space,However, in the past 92 consensus, it was regarded as a box office poison within the Kuomintang. Now he is willing to wipe off the dust and dirt on the signature, which is no longer regarded as liabilities, indicating that the Kuomintang's confidence in cross -strait discussions has been retrieved.

In fact, the Kuomintang's assets are not only discussing to help cross -strait exchanges and peace. The long -established communication channels and connections are more important assets.Next, Hou Youyi had three points to be strengthened to the consensus of 1992.

First, we must strengthen the discussion and proof of the practicality of the 1992 consensus.Hou Youyi emphasized that the 1992 consensus departing from the spirit of the Constitution of the Republic of China is to highlight the danger of the main characteristics of the Republic of China on the cross -strait exchange process. With the theory of water proposed before, it can connect the awareness of the Taiwan subject.Fear the DPP and its wing red.

Therefore, Hou Youyi should highlight the huge differences in the development of the country's development in the 1992 consensus, in order to prove the peace dividend of the 1992 consensus.During the Malaysian government, Taiwan only lost one diplomatic country. It can participate in the International Organization Conference of the United Nations such as the World Health Conference and the International Civil Aviation Organization Conference.Obstructing Taiwan's international participation.

Second, use clearer and easy to understand the content and position of the Kuomintang's 1992 consensus.Before the 1992 consensus, whether the front words that are based on the Constitution of the Republic of China can be more clearly explained, there is no doubt that Ke Wenzhe's confusion is not unreasonable.Ke Wenzhe's polls can quickly improve and receive the support of young voters. One of the keys is to use the language that is easy and change; Hou Youyi may not be familiar with the issue of cross -strait issues, or is too cautious and unhappy.There is a chance to make progress.

Third, cross -strait policies are superior policies, and policies such as internal affairs, economy, and national defense cannot be separated from both sides of the strait.The Kuomintang's possession of this system should make good use of it and combine various policies to propose a policy route that is different from the Democratic Progressive Party.For example, Hou Youyi advocated the resumption of voluntary service to 4 months of service. It was originally a peaceful proposition that can be based on the peaceful proposition of the Kuomintang's cross -strait policy.

Fourth, cross -strait and international are the weaknesses of Hou Youyi. However, within the Kuomintang, the mainland and diplomatic talents are good. The parties are unable to look back. In the past few years, they lost their power due to the loss of elections.Nowadays, these talents have been engaged in cross -strait and international exchanges for a long time. They are valuable assets. How to integrate the policy direction and image shaping of the presidential election is urgent to help the presidential election.

One drum, declining, and exhausted.Now that Hou Youyi has stood up to the consensus of 1992, he must further exert and expand, and find the advantages of cross -strait policies from the Kuomintang and regain people's confidence.

The author writes freelance