The Thai Congress will be elected as a new Prime Minister on July 13.In most parliamentary countries, the Prime Minister (or Prime Minister) is usually held by the leaders of political parties or party alliances in the lower house of the parliament. Therefore, the lower house of the parliament is usually the center of the party or political party alliance.The difference is that the Prime Minister of Thailand was selected by the upper and lower courtyards of Congress, instead of being generated by the House of Commons alone.Therefore, even if the eight -party alliance led by the Tower, the seats in the lower house of the Congress are far more than half, and the road to worship is still full of hardships and uncertainty, because the seats in the house are not in control.Why should the Prime Minister of Thailand be selected by the upper and lower houses?What unique functions do you play in the House?

As a candidate for the Prime Minister of the Eight Party League, the leader of the Party Party, the party leader, currently holds 312 votes in the lower house.However, according to the Thai Prime Minister's election rules, he needed to vote together in the House of House and the House of Commons, and obtained more than 50%of the approval votes, that is, 376 votes can become the Prime Minister, so there is still 64 votes from the phase.

Theoretically, the 64 votes or opponents from the House of Commons, or members of the House of House.At present, the Eight -Party Alliance is a ceiling that can be supported by the Tower in the lower house, so the possibility of "anti -water ticket" from the opponent party of the lower house.Therefore, 64 votes that are missing in the tower can only be hoped to be in the House of House, and the House of Ladies became the king.

However, it is not easy to get these 64 votes in the Tower, because the House of House is in the hands of the conservative forces controlled by the military.In terms of policies, the APPPC's forward party advocates reducing the military's influence in politics, and at the same time advocating the amendment of the law offending the monarchy, these policies are undoubtedly contrary to the interests of the military and conservative forces.According to reports, a number of people who originally stated that they would vote to support the Government House of House of Prime Minister, who had fallen to the Prime Minister, have fallen to the head of the ship and will not support him at the joint meeting of the upper and lower House of House.Monarchy.

It can be seen that the Thai House of Houses and Council has a unique position in the political system.Since the constitutional constitution of the Thai monarch in 1932, Shang House has been an important element in the political system.However, in different periods, the power size of the House of Lords, the way of the upper councilor, and the status restrictions have been changing.Therefore, it has become a window to observe Thailand's political changes.

Changes in the House of House of House

After the constitutional monarchy was implemented in 1932, Thailand established Congress as a national legislature.The Constitution promulgated in 1946 officially divided the Congress as the upper and lower courtyards.Furthermore in 1947 stipulated that the superiors were appointed by the king, and the subordinates were selected by the election.

A coup in Thailand in 1951, the official merged the upper and lower courtyards of Congress, stipulating that members of the upper and lower councils were generated by direct elections and appointment systems.Since then, the upper and lower two houses have been separated many times. Until the 1991 Constitution was promulgated, the system design of the two hospitals had been stable to this day.

The Constitution of 1991 stipulates that all 270 members of the House of Commons were arranged by the king among the well -known people, but there are certain identity restrictions in the scope of the candidate (such as cannot be a member of any party, officials or consultants;Or local officials; have never been eligible for members of the House or House or the Constitutional Arbitration Commission).At that time, the House House had great power. For example, the constitutional amendment was more than two -thirds of the total number of members of the two houses.

After the March 1992 Thai election, the former Army Commander Su Jinda still served as the Prime Minister as the military representative after the election failed, causing a bloody conflict between the military and the people.The king finally came out to resolve the contradiction, Su Jinda resigned and obtained the king forgiveness.During this period, the king not only became a medium of cultural and military relations, but also appointed as the House of Representatives by appointment, becoming the actual controller of the country's highest power.

In 1997, the Constitution was controversial about the institutional design of the House of Lords. Although the House of House still had certain real power (such as legislative review, impeachment of government officials and government officials, and extensive discussions on major national issues), it stillThere is no power to elect the Prime Minister.The institutional designer hopes to ensure the neutrality of the House of Lords, so the selection of a direct election method for the election and election of the election region system by the election is selected.In addition, special emphasis on the qualifications of candidates from the House of Shang House that candidates cannot be affiliated with any political party.

In 2007, the Constitution further amended the method and identity restrictions of MPs. It stipulates that the House of Lose House consists of 150 members of the members, of which 76 members are chaired by the Central Election Commission.One of the houses; the remaining 74 members were selected by the selection committee. The candidates for the selection system were nominated by academic institutions, state organs, civil organizations, professional groups and other departments.At the same time, the requirements for improvement in the status restrictions of members, such as university bachelor's degree or equivalent; age is not less than 40 years old; has not joined any political party or served as a party position, or has joined a certain party but has withdrawn the party for more than five years.The purpose of such an institutional design is to make the appointment of MPs and the operation of the House of Lords from being disturbed by political factors. Mansion can ensure decision -making more scientific and reasonable through higher professional literacy.

The new constitution of 2017 stipulates that all 250 seats in the House of Shang are appointed by the king under the proposal of the National Peace and Order (controlled by the military).The national police officer and the Ministry of Defense's second long six are automatically held, which ensures that the military's institutional role in the constitutional constitution in the future.In addition, in the new constitution, the upper House has increased the power of removal of the cabinet and the power of directly participating in the election prime minister (the House of House and the House of Lower more than half of the votes).Because the House of Lords was controlled by the military, the military not only set up obstacles to the new Prime Minister's election and cabinet, but also could also replace the unsatisfactory legal government.

The role of the House of House

Comprehensive earlier, the Thai House of House ofhere has undergone many changes, and the role changes are unsuccessful.Should the House of Lose House become a "public opinion agency" or a conservative forces (military) that restrict democracy to restrict democracy?

From the perspective of the evolution of the House of Lords, the House of Council of the Civilian Government has been given high hopes, hoping to become a "public opinion representative agency".Regardless of the direct election method of the constitutional region system in the 1997 Constitution, or the selection method of the direct election system of the Constitution in 2007, and the addition of the regulations of the party's affiliated with the identity restrictions of the upper House of Shang House, they hopeIt can become a neutral institution that reflects public opinion, expands democratic participation, and is not disturbed by political factors.

However, with the complex changes of real politics, the upper House eventually could not escape the influence and control of various political forces.Especially after the 2014 coup, the House of Lords gradually became a conservative power agency under the control of the military.The important role of the House of Shang is to restrict the Xia House of House of Election. The author once referred to this system as "military monitoring democracy".

A healthy democratic system requires both the forces of free progress and the power of conservatives.In this sense, the conservative forces and its control are naturally valuable.In any case, the institutional arrangement will eventually require public opinion testing.As a forward party against the military's politics, it has become the biggest dark horse in this year's election. This phenomenon itself represents the mentality of changing most people in Thailand.In this regard, the Thai House of Houses and House will still bear the pressure of change in the future.

The author Zhang Jianwei is an associate professor of political science in Central South National University

Guan Xinyi is a research assistant of the Department of Political Science at the Central and South National University