Source: Ming Pao

Nahler, a northern African -American youth in Paris, died of suspected police violence involving racism, and once again triggered the ruling crisis of French President Macron.Following Macron's first yellow vest demonstration, the French police were involved in the allegations of violence again. The addition of racial controversy this time highlighted the poor immigrants and their descendants settled in the suburbs of large cities for a long time to face unequal hidden dangers.

Human Rights Organization Removes the Institutional Raceism

Said Saamdasani, a spokesman for the Senior Commissioner of Human Rights Affairs, issued a statement on Friday to report to the death of Nahler, saying that France is time to seriously deal with the internal racism of the law enforcement department.She said: "When we call on the official to ensure that the police force uses force to deal with the violent elements in demonstrations, they will always respect the principles of legal, necessary, proportional, non -discrimination, prevention and accountability."

Nahler is the third victim of the deadly shot during the police interception of the police since this year, and the total number of last year was as many as 13.The new law on the road in 2017, French police officers can rationalize the shooting acts without self -defense, and have decreased by the same shot burden. Since 2017, the deceased of most similar cases is black or Arabia.This accuses the law enforcement department in institutional racism.

Some experts have bluntly stated that the French government can no longer ignore human rights organizations such as racism proposed by the police.Historian Cedric Mas analyzed in Twitter that political power has never changed.In the past 40 years, it is unchanged. "

French officials insist on adopting the so -called "color blindness" model in public policy, claiming to reflect the equality of race and ethnicity, but this set of discussions have been questioned in recent years.Keith Magee, a scholar at the University of Newcastle University, who studies racial and social justice, wrote on the US CNN website.National gas lamp effect (Gaslighting, that is, brainwashing the victims by psychological manipulation), and the victim of this national systemic racism knows this. "

The problem of poor immigrants live in the suburbs of the market.

This police ragment also revealed the problem of unequal unequal suburban suburban in France.In 2005, French riots were two -African -American men in the suburbs of Paris and were accidentally triggered by electric death when they avoided police. They spread to other poverty -stricken areas of the suburbs of the suburbs of the suburbs and expanded to the whole country.Due to the problem of immigrants left over from the history of colonial history, it has never been resolved. The riots broke out from time to time, but this time is not as large as this time.