Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Si Sihan

Nahel, a 17 -year -old African -American juvenile in France, refused to cooperate when driving in NANTERRE (Parisian cities)., Police, automobiles, roadblocks, trash cans, etc. in multiple cities have been settled or damaged by fire or violence.This also made the French recalling the death of two African -American teenagers who caused riots or even entering the country in 2005. They also died in the outskirts of Paris and died when they avoided the police. Will France be turbulent because of this?

According to Prosecutor Nantel Pascal Prache, the police discovered that Nael was driving at a high speed on the road on Tuesday morning, so he opened the police flute.Police initially reported that Naer tried to hit the police when he was intercepted, causing the police to shoot.He is the driver, and there is a sound deterrence: "You will be hit by a bullet."Prache later said that the traffic police asked Naer to turn off at the time, but the car accelerated, and a traffic policeman shot at Naer's chest.

The riots broke out that night, and the flames and tear bombs quickly spread from here to other suburban belts in Paris, as well as major cities such as Tumuz to Lyon.The trash cans on the streets, the city hall, and the police station were all settled and destroyed, and the police were also attacked by demonstrators with fireworks; the deafening explosion and tear bounce smoke entered the high -rise residential building from the street.

The French Ministry of the Interior announced on June 30 that before the expected night of riots arrived, France had deployed nearly 40,000 policemen on Thursday.Forces, support democratic protests.The latest news states that 875 people across the country were arrested and 249 police and gendarmerie were injured.

Police officers suspected of shooting at Naer have been detained, and his lawyer Leard pointed out that the police involved in the case had apologized to the family members of the deceased and emphasized that the police officer did not intend to shoot the teenager, but the collision caused the muzzle at that time.The offset was accidentally shot by the other side's chest, which caused tragedy.However, Nanda prosecutors believed that "this does not meet the legal conditions of the use of weapons."

French President Macron also strongly criticized the police involved in the case "unforgivable", but was subsequently admitted by the police union to "judge before trial."

The Anti -Terrorism Act Promote the 13 similar gun killings last year

Naer's films that were shot at the time of being stopped caused national anger, but this is already the third similar case in France this year.It was killed by the police and set a new record.

Experts said that after France passed a lending police in 2017, the case of death during law enforcement increased significantly.With a series of terrorist attacks hit France -including the suicide explosion attacks in Paris in 2015 and a truck attack in Nice in 2016, Congress passed the bill with an overwhelming nature in 2017, allowing police officers to be outside the self -defense of self -defense.The situation fired to the vehicle or driver, but it was limited to the situation where the driver could be life -threatening during driving away.

The New York Times quoted French researchers reported that since the law passed, the number of police shot and killed drivers had increased six times.Statistics of Reuters show that most of the victims of these cases are black or Arabia.

In addition to fatal shooting, French police also often improved violence and criticized.For example, during the yellow vest protests began in 2018, a senior European officials condemned the French government's way of dealing with the country's several months of protests and urged them to "show more respect for human rights."Recently, in the wave of protests against aging, the French police have also been accused of being too harsh.

"2005 Nightmare" becomes a hot search in France

The riots caused by the Naer incident set off the debate of French public opinion on the law enforcement method of police officers. At the same time, because the victims were all African -American, many people were worried that "2005 national riots" will come to the earth.The title of major media.

In the fall of 2005, the 17 -year -old Zyed Benna and the 15 -year -old Bouna TRAORE were ready to go home in Clichy Sous Bois in the northern suburbs of Paris, and saw the police patrolr pass.According to another young man Muhittin Altun, who survived, because black teenagers living in poor areas in the suburbs were often investigated by the police, at the time, Muslims Ramadan quickly fled the scene to avoid the police and rushed home for dinner.Chase, unfortunately died when he hid in the substation.

The incident triggered the people to go to the streets, and the security forces were targeted. They even threw a tear gas at the gate of a mosque.Two days later, the tough means by the government caused the full law to fall into a riots, and the situation was out of control. One week later, the government announced that the country had entered an emergency, and the riots were calm after nearly one month.

The government's reaction at that time was poured on the fire. Nicolas Sarkozy, then Minister of the Political Affairs, not only doubted that the two deceased's running motivation was suspected of being too much, but he also refused to be the police.Law enforcement officers admitted their mistakes and apologies to the mosque. They also publicly called Racaille "Racaille". Public opinion at home and abroad was uproar, and his approach was still criticized.

Even for nearly 20 years before the riots, some government consultants admitted to French media that "the ghost in 2005 is like a shadow, and the riots of the organization gradually seeing the organization on social media are concerned that it may cause it to cause it to cause it to cause it to cause it.History repeat. "

Fortunately, Macron Fei Cozizi ...

In fact, national riots are raging in housing areas with a large number of refugees.Although the riots originated from the death of these teenagers, they also revealed the profound impact of these issues such as control, unemployment, and alienation of French society.

Although the riots in 2005, France began to face the dilemma of suburban development, police violence law enforcement, and even deeper social issues such as the police violence, and even immigrants, but the results were limited.Moreover, many analysts believe that the social atmosphere in France in 2005 is very different. Now France has just experienced turbulence such as the reform of the yellow vest movement and the reform of the retirement system.The popularity of community media makes riots mobilization more quickly and powerful, or may cause similar deaths to cause greater social risks.

In the past 20 years, the conflict between the French ethnic group and the violence of the police have not been solved. Whenever there is a case, it can always easily provoke sensitive nerves and become a worry -free unprepared bomb in French society.

Therefore, President Macron quickly condemned the shooting and the procuratorial agency quickly proposed preliminary allegations and detained the police involved. Congress also plans to review the anti -terrorism law launched in 2017. The rapid response of state organs may help relieve the demonstration of demonstrations.The anger of the person.In the riots in the previous two nights, the police were more careful to use force, and it can be seen that the official tried to avoid the riot in 2005 and staged again.