Source: United News Network

Author: Ye Wanan

The US White House National Security Consultant Sarawon gave a speech on April 27, based on the title of "rebuilding the position of US economic leadership", comprehensively reviewing the past economic policies of the United States, and vigorously criticizing the "Washington Consensus" that has been implemented since World War II."Washington Consensus" is to rebuild a new order of US economy and world politics.

The main content of the "Xinhua DC Consensus" is four: First, the free market that emphasized in the past, the government does not intervene in the industrial policy is incorrect, so the government should subsidize or reward some specific industries or products.Second, all methods are "de -risk", requiring American companies to not invest in high -tech investment in China, and require companies in mainland China to withdraw the United States.3. It is required that the United States Allied is prohibited from exporting to China in high -end chip technology, equipment, components and other products.Fourth, use "small courtyard high walls" to strictly protect key technologies in the United States.

Looking at the "New Washington Consensus", the U.S. government actively intervene in the development of the industry and protects the domestic science and technology industry through market control.But can this really rebuild the US economic leadership?

The government actively intervene in the development of the industry and carry out market control is an old method used since the World War II (including China).At that time, all Asian countries were backward, and under the lack of funds, resources, and technology, they were even more unemployed.In order to solve the problem of unemployment and improve people's income, we have adopted intervention policies to promote industrial development. It is rarely used again.

The current situation in the United States is completely different from the Asian countries in that year. The important issues they are facing are 1. The huge fiscal deficit and the debt platforms are high. If you want to allocate huge sums of money to subsidize the industry, not only are you refueling on the fire, expanding the deficit, but also crowding out other necessary expenses.Such as investment in basic facilities.Second, human supply is tight and wages have risen.In addition, the high -tech industries that need to be developed should not only rely on education and training, but also rely on the training of two or thirty years to develop in work.TSMC can succeed. For many years, it has cultivated these high -quality manpower, and it is a 24 -hour standby. With the pass, the United States has no such culture at all.

The old methods used by the United States to develop countries in the last century will cause the following problems:

1. Controlling investment and imports and exports completely violates the 2004 Nobel Prize winner Edward Prescott's "open promotion of growth and restriction to hinder growth".In the past few decades, the rapid development of high -tech industries has been the technological progress of market promotion.Under globalization, the division of labor is fine, each takes what needs, the public benefits, and the market has continued to expand; the technology has continued to improve under market requirements, and it has expanded the scope of downstream applications, and then promotes the growth of the market, which constitutes a virtuous circle.However, the powerful control of the United States today has hindered the progress of innovation of high -tech industry.

China is the biggest need for high -tech products, and the United States is the largest supplier. The United States, this control. Except for the high -tech industry that seriously cracks down on China, the US high -tech industry is not damaged.

2. Under globalization, the continuous decrease in chip manufacturing costs is the key to its rapid development and becoming a necessity of human life.Today, the United States forced TSMC and Samsung to set up factories in the United States, not only the cost of building factories, but also the manufacturing costs have increased greatly. It is bound to continue the price of chip prices, which will not help the future chip industry growth.

Third, the United States not only prohibits its high -end chips and its manufacturing equipment exported to China, but also requires Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands to prohibit relevant products from exporting China.As Microsoft's founder Bill Gates said, this approach inspires China to accelerate research and development. Once the development is successful, the world is selling globally with its low cost.TSMC high -end chip will also be buried.

The current problems faced by the US economy are completely different from those countries in Asia in the last century. It is necessary to solve the current US issue with its countermeasures.", Even more difficult!

The author is the deputy chairman of the former Economic Construction Association