Ukraine launched a big counterattack in early June. After about 10 days of fierce battle, the offensive suddenly slowed down.However, Ukraine still announced its progress in counterattack, recovering about 100 square kilometers of occupation.The Russian side strongly denied that Ukraine had achieved results. President Putin publicly said on many occasions that Ukraine suffered major losses and returned to Yunyun.When the external world felt somewhat indifferent, the Russian Wagner's mercenary leader Parigen suddenly led his "mutiny" to Moscow, claiming to eliminate the "evil" such as the Russian military head.Although Purigko stopped the march at the last moment of only 200 kilometers away from Moscow, Putin condemned the military operation of "betrayal" when he spoke to the country, still shocked Russia and the entire world.

There is a judgment that must be established, that is, if the Russian army's battle in Ukraine goes well, there will be no malignant incidents such as the rebellion of the Wagner Group.Soviet leader Stalin once had a famous saying: the winner should not be blamed.In other words, only when the battle is bad and defeated can there be various accidents.Wagner's armed rebellion, no matter what the final result was, was a fatal blow to Putin's invasion of Ukraine and personal authority.The way of helping and losing the way, this famous sentence may have allowed some people to degenerate into a smooth or propaganda, and no longer have brains when they speak.Therefore, it is worth reminding it here: it is more helpful to help, losing the way, this is an objective law of iron.In violation of this law, it is destined to face the consequences and endings of failure.

The first day from Putin and Russia's unjust battle in Ukraine, common sense and laws tell us that Putin must fail, and Ukraine must regain freedom.Koji and drum noise could not make Putin win, and slander and lies could not stop Ukraine's freedom.The special thing about this war is that the first day when it started, everyone had predicted the results. In the later years, people just experienced or witnessed the gradual realization of this result.

Although the main attention of the international community has been concentrated in Ukraine recently, on the other hand, the development of the Indo -Pacific region pattern is also intensive and rapidly evolved.Since the beginning of this year, the Japanese economy and stock market have rebounded in an all -round way, leading East Asia. The new Korean government has also joined the US -Japan camp, donated suspicions with Japan, and will soon resume the comprehensive deployment of the Sade anti -missile system.Some people may ask, how can South Korea become so resolute and righteous now?The answer is obvious. In the past 20 years, whether it is the so -called "six -party talks" or "sunshine policy", it is completely ineffective for the North Korean regime.Refurbishment, the nuclear weapons system of the three in -one in the sea.If South Korea continues to be "Mr. Dong Guo" at this time, it will only put national interests and national security.

In South Asia, Indian Prime Minister Modi visited the United States and signed a joint statement in the United States and India. The speech at the US Congress was warmly welcomed.The United States and India joint statements clearly show that they oppose unilateral operations that oppose stability or try to change the status quo by force.About 10 years ago, the old Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has proposed to establish a geopolitical vision and grand image of "Indo -Pacific freedom and prosperity", to obtain strong response from the United States, and become the foundation of the United States to formulate the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" concept of the concept of "Indo -Pacific Strategy".EssenceNowadays, the world is not surprised to discover: from Mongolia in the north, crossing Taiwan, the Philippines, and India in the south.

This clearly shows that Eurasia, which is the main stage of human civilization and development, has once again ushered in a new situation of development and progress.Two of them are particularly prominent: that is, they are ideological and eliminated for outdoor outdoor people in ideology; they form a partner alliance in regional security to resist and prevent potential security risks.If the 1990s were once "post -Cold War 1.0", when the Soviet Group fell down, China expanded reform and opening up."The end", and soon set off a new wave of economic globalization.

However, the speed of desire is not reached. The global wave of the wind and fire is unavoidable. The fish and the dragon are mixed.EssenceFor this reason, the "Post -Cold War 1.0" has almost become a pot of raw meals, and the world is facing severe crisis and challenges.As a result, the world and people who are pursuing freedom and prosperity worldwide have now gone together. Democracy has not yet succeeded, and the world still needs to work hard.

Some people say that the "Post -Cold War 2.0" intends to create a new camp opposition to destroy world peaceful development.This is quite upside down.Taking Russia ’s invasion of the Ukrainian war as an example, in the beginning of 2022, the US government and intelligence agencies continued to disclose Russia’ s invasion of Ukraine. At that time, there were not many people who believed it.The U.S. government's intention at that time was to try to put Putin's aggression as much as possible, hoping that it was possible to stop the aggression.However, Putin and Russia have been planning for a long time. Once the war machine is started, it is difficult to stop.

Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine not only made Ukraine yield, but also made European countries more closely unite and jointly support Ukraine to resist aggression, because defending Ukraine is to defend the European countries.It can be seen that this new camp confrontation was not caused by Europe, but was "forced" by Putin's aggression.The development of NATO was already close to "brain death", but Putin and Russia personally injected powerful sober agents to NATO, awakened NATO, and promoted NATO east expansion to discuss.This also shows that the so -called "post -Cold War 2.0" is a passive mode in nature. When the world saw that the 1.0 version did not complete the task, and a pot of meals was boiled, so now I have to work togetherThe future and future.

Regarding the current situation in China, it is said that Chinese officials have visited Europe. Everywhere they go, they only want to talk about economic and trade and do not want to talk about politics.This phenomenon is a bit funny, because in China, the major situation and atmosphere seem to be the opposite.U.S. Secretary of State Brillin recently visited China. Although it tried to stop the relationship between the two parties, the force confrontation between the two sides in the Taiwan Strait did not stop, and the ideological dispute was as always.This also fully illustrates a problem. Once the political and ideological form reaches a completely opposing state, in terms of international and economic and trade relations, it can only be separated from the gods, which is close to the realm of different Taoism.This is also the case in ordinary interpersonal relationships. If the values of each other are seriously different from each other, it is easy to feel the boring meaning of communication.

The rest is like the position of Biden's government. Everyone repairs the guardrail and then compete publicly.If you think your set is quite spiritual, take it generously to try it.This is also the benefit of public competition.For example, it has been proven to be a wayless road by the Cold War, and now wants to move out and go again. It can only be listened to the stool, but the relevant countries and people must prepare the huge opportunity costs generated by it.This may also be considered an important part of the Cold War 2.0.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States