Source: United News Network

Author: Yang Yingchao

After the Tsai government hurriedly extended the obligation period, the latest support was the "3+1" policy for studying in service.In the face of social dissatisfaction, the Executive Yuan currently sets up the policy to respect the choice of students' freedom of freedom. However, how much is the so -called respect for freedom?The hidden discrimination of students' origin and general education is worthy of attention from all walks of life.

In conjunction with the voluntary service period, it was extended to one year."Guidelines for Elasticity Cultivation during the period" (hereinafter referred to as guidelines).

Education plans let the layman point out, and the competent authority has lost his professional dignity.Pan Wenzhong, the Minister of Education of the State Education, said that "guidance" was set on the premise of respecting the free willingness of students to assist in the university to provide relevant elastic professional measures to allow those who are willing to study and complete their studies at the same time.Chen Jianren's relay emphasized that this policy is a chance to give college students with more self -choice, and has not forced.

However, this is a discrimination policy.The outside world is limited to discrimination against women, because the current policy has not been included in female students.There are many problems that can be derived from this part. After all, alone is a woman's volunteer service but cannot be convinced, and it can be noisy; and then consider the discrimination logic of this article, it is difficult to say who is discriminated against.

The discrimination to be mentioned in this article is first of all for college students from vulnerable families.The reason is very simple. Most students who participate in this policy will come from families with low social status and cannot allow children to enjoy the "free" time of college.Students seem to have an opportunity to choose from. In fact, the government knows that its economy is weak or does not understand the preciousness of college education. It seduces them to choose fast food education and violate the government's guarantee for students' learning rights.

The Basic Law of Taiwan Education stipulates that "the right to learn from students, educational, physical autonomy, and personality development rights should be guaranteed." And the guarantee of students' learning rights is not only an opportunity for teaching, but also includes an education mechanismWhether to meet students' learning needs and effective learning.

"3+1" policy will destroy the effective learning of students.Because the university does not line up the curriculum as dense as compulsory education, it is for students at this stage to have more mature thinking. In addition to teaching knowledge unidirectional, the school also hopes to cultivate students' independent thinking ability and let them use precious youth youthful youthful youth.Time exploration interest.Each school year is densely arranged, it is difficult for students to have room for precipitation.Especially if students want to work for tuition and living expenses, they cannot use the cold and summer vacation, and it is even more impossible to have time to study on weekdays.

In the past, the three universities of the National Taiwan University, the National Taiwan Normal University, and the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology shortened the semester to 16 weeks, which has proven the above view.The dean of the National Taiwan University said that the shortage of the semester allows teachers and students to have sufficient time to participate in international exchanges, exchange, internship and related dense courses.Professor of the National Taiwan University is busy with promotion and other studies. I am afraid that there are less related dense courses in the summer, and the profit of shortening students in the semester is mainly international exchanges, exchanges, internships, etc.Economic vulnerable students choose to participate in the "3+1" solution, which is equivalent to losing the right to learn from college students.

The dean of the Taiwan Normal University pointed out that the one -semester was 18 weeks, and the teachers and students were tired of class, and also reduced teachers to prepare lessons and invest in research time.Only 18 weeks will be tired and reduce the time of preparation research. The continuous densely dense lessons of the "3+1" policy will inevitably exceed the current length and density of the summer heat. I am afraid it will reduce the quality of college education.

or some people question: Even if the "3+1" policy is not pushed, there are still many students waste time, and not every student will participate in the exchange.But the current education system has given at least these people.If students receive duck -type education all the way to graduate from college, it is equivalent to limiting students' opportunities for future choices.

As for the discrimination caused by "guidance", it is a general education teacher.School support measures that provide supportive measures in the fourth item, and explicitly stated that "the school should adjust the processing plan for compulsory, special courses and general courses, depending on the need for general courses to start during the summer, Yili academic male male male active male male active male male service maleDuring the period of school, professional electives. "Most of the current professional subjects are still within the scope of the summer subjects of various schools. I wonder why the Ministry of Education starts in the summer during the summer?

"Guide" instructed the school to adjust the opening plan with the word "response". Because not all students are generally generalized in the summer, it is equivalent to the full year of the whole year.Is there any supporting facilities? Compared to the academic quality operation of the academic pyramid professor's long vacation, does the Ministry of Education consider that general general teachers also need to participate in international exchanges or research?What does it reflect?It is necessary to solve the confusion.

The author is associate professor of Ming Chuan University