When the Democratic Progressive Party chairman and presidential candidate Lai Qingde attended the "Symposium on the Symposium on the Followers Followers of the National Tourism Foreign Brigade of Tainan" on June 7, the Battle of the Chibi during the Three Kingdoms period as an example, facing the threat of China, the opinions of Taiwan cannot be possible.Concern, some people must say "talk".History proves that Zhou Yu is correct.If you surrender today, and even help Cao Cao fight Liu Bei, history is not written like this.

Lai Qingde is a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker". Some Taiwanese independence people want to "go to Chinese culture", and the historical affairs (or the story of the Three Kingdoms) belong to Chinese culture.What is the intention of Lai Qingde to talk about the battle of Chibi and Zhou Yu?He should think that these are related to the reality of Taiwan and can be used to express specific positions (he should not be a Taiwan independence worker who goes to Chinese culture).Lai Qingde compared history with major political differences in reality and important political choices.

At present, there are serious differences in cross -strait policies in Taiwan, as are how to maintain peace on cross -strait peace.In the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the case of Cao Cao's occupation of most of Jingzhou and attacking Jiangdong Sun Quan, there was serious differences in Jiangdong on the issue of war -the main war (Zhang Zhao and others advocated "Ying Cao").The factions are mainly Zhou Yu and Lu Su.But Zhou and Lu Shen were trusted by Sun Quan, and the latter also adopted their suggestions.

Lai Qingde believes that his position is like Zhou Yu of that year. At the same time, he hinted that Taiwan's "speaking and faction" position was like Zhang Zhao, who advised Sun Quan to "welcome Cao".He believes that he stands on the right side of history like Zhou Yu, and political opponents (especially the Kuomintang) stand on the side of history.

However, the current situation on both sides of the strait is very different from Jian'an Cao Cao to the majority of Jingzhou when he is preparing to attack Jiangdong.At this stage, the probability of attacking Taiwan in the mainland government is not high, and it is a problem that it is urgent to deal with Taiwan.At present, the Kuomintang's position is actually important from Zhang Zhao and others in the late Han Dynasty.The peace advocated by the Blue Camp is related to maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait, and takes into account "national defense" and "dialogue".

Except for a few "Red Tongs", the current people of the blue camp generally do not support "welcoming the Communist Party", which is different from Zhang Zhao and others who advocated "Cao Cao" before the Battle of Chibi.

Lai Qingde supported the rejection of Wu, or even "rejected by war."He "compared" Zhou Yu, or hinted that he would fight against the mainland government, as Zhou Lang greeted Cao Cao.Zhou Yu waited for a key victory in the Battle of Chibi, and Taiwan could also win in the battle with the other side in the future -this should be Lai Qingde's words.It is necessary to point out that only by winning in the war can it be proven correctly by history.

The Kuomintang claims that the 2024 election is a choice of war and peace. Lai Qingde originally opposed this statement and proposed that the next election next year is a "democracy and authoritarian" choice.However, before the Battle of Chibi, Jiangdong was facing the choice of war and peace (not the choice of democracy and authoritarian). Therefore, he "compared" Zhou Yu, who wanted to give people an impression of "not surrender", but it would still make people think of it."Choose a war."

Lai Qingde also mentioned in the conversation that Taiwan cannot "help Cao Cao fight Liu Bei".What exactly refers to Liu Bei refers to the current power?The most likely is that the meaning of the United States -Lai Qingde or Taiwan should not help Mainland China fight the United States. Just as Zhou Yu should not help Cao Cao fight Liu Bei that year.During the Battle of the Chibi, Zhou Yu and Liu Bei jointly opposed the enemy. Lai Qingde would think that in the battle of the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan would fight with the United States.At that time, Jiangdong adopted "Lian Liu Kang Cao", and Lai wanted to adopt "Lianhe, the United States and Anti -China".Lai Qingde believes that the Taiwan and the United States Union can achieve the victory of the war, just like the historic Sun and Liu.

The problem is that Liu Bei and Cao Cao at the time were not ascended. Even after the defeat of Dangyang, Cao Cao did not surrender Cao Cao.If Jiangdong "welcomes Cao" at that time, Liu Bei may continue to fight, or he will run away from other places (such as Jiazhou), and will not rule out continuing to continue the operation.As for the current United States, there are still vague stances on the issue of Chinese martial arts, mainly involving whether it will dispatch the army to directly involve the Taiwan Strait War (but military aid in Taiwan is sure).At present, Liu Bei, before the war of the United States and Chibi, has an important difference in its position -it has not reached the point of the same way as mainland China.

The history of the Three Kingdoms and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms of the History Books have the Battle of Chibi. Some Taiwanese media satire whether Lai Qingde does not know the first sentence of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "The general trend of the world, the long time must be, and the long time must be divided."It is necessary to point out that Zhou Yu and other defeating Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi did delay the unified process, but in the end, the world was unified.Perhaps when Lai Qingde talked about the Battle of Chibi and Zhou Yu, he did not consider more, especially the final ending of the Three Kingdoms.

The author is the Journey to the Journey