Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Society

Indian Prime Minister Modi visited the United States a few days ago, and accompanied by US President Biden, he met with Apple, Google and Microsoft CEO in the White House, not only talking about 20-25 scientific and technological cooperation cases, India also has the United States.The Space Administration (NASA) signed a space international treaty to push the US -Indian relations to its peak.

In fact, in recent years, the United States has actively attracted India, especially in the Indo -Pacific Union, India has played an important role.Because in the long -term long -term strategy of the United States, the area and population can match Mainland China.In addition to Vietnam and Mexico, India is the most important production base for the mainland. Indian manufacturing seems to have a trend of replacing mainland manufacturing.

Although the US Secretary of State Brosky's visit to the middle of the United States, US-China relations seem to have eased, but the major strategy of the United States' risk of De-Risking has not changed. The ultimate goal is to weaken the economic strength of the mainland and orderIt is unable to compete with the United States to compete for world hegemon.With the improvement of the Indian economy and the long -term strategic planning of the United States, India's "big country's rise" is only sooner or later.

Apple's executive chief Cook recently met Modi in the White House, praising India to represent "huge opportunities".According to reports, in a recent internal meeting, he mentioned nearly 20 times in India and was surprised to discover the potential of India.Many experts also believe that the current India is a bit like the momentum of the mainland when the rise of the 2000s.Since this year, the Indian stock market has been sought after by foreign capital. The market value has surpassed Britain and France, and it has jumped to the fourth world, second only to the United States and China, which has impressed the outside world.

As the US companies actively moved to India, the supply chain of Taiwanese businessmen also accelerated into India.The country is also the key country of the Tsai government's new southward policy in recent years, because compared with Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Chinese trade exchanges (the mainland is the largest or second -largest trading partner of the above countries).Politically, he does not dare to offend the mainland. India can match the area, population, and market. It also meets the requirements of the American Democratic Alliance partners. It is indeed a alternative market and production base that cannot be missed.On the other hand, India is close to the African, Australian and New Hemisphere markets, and is also an important export market.

However, India has gathered in the industry in raw materials, components, technical workers, and management systems. They have a distance from mainland China. There is still a lot of room for progress.morning.In the process of the rise of India, Taiwan is an important partner that India can rely on.

30 years ago, Taiwan was on the southeast coast of the mainland. More than 20 years ago in the Yangtze River Delta, it created 6,000 to 80 million employment population to help the other side laid the foundation for economic development.Thirty years later, Taiwan, the complete supply chain in textiles, clothing, automobile parts, and electronic information industry. The relatively suitable management model can effectively shorten India's learning curve, and at the same time, it can also create a large number of employment population and become India's high high.The unemployment rate, the timely rain of high inflation rate.

In the cooperation between Taiwan and India, Taiwan can create an atmosphere through think tanks and public associations, especially for discussions and consensus consensus on topics such as IC design, electronic information industry, and automotive electronicization of India.In addition, in the domestic demand industry, India's building materials, plasticization, metal components and other fields have many room for cooperation.Of course, Taiwan -India cooperation must strive for a win -win strategy. Taiwan can help India, but the Indian government should also provide Taiwanese manufacturers' assistance on the green channel to accelerate Taiwan and India's cooperation in Taiwan and India in the Indian government.process.In this way, India will have the opportunity to become the next important global production base in the next 1 or 20 years.

However, we must understand the nationality of India.First of all, the country's posture is not low. The more anxious you are, the less he cares about, because it means that you are asking for him.And the Indians say too much but do less, and we must pay attention.

Secondly, India has very few civil servants, and the positions are mobilized quickly. Therefore, establishing a relationship with civil servants is not stable. It should be connected to think tanks and peripheral public associations in order to establish long -term relationships.According to this view, the relationship with India's first -class universities is more likely to change with the mobilization of civil servants.Therefore, establishing a relationship with several famous private universities has the opportunity to establish a relationship with the rich second -generation, and the relationship may be longer.

On the other hand, Indian officials are not keen on the free trade agreement, so it may be considered through several innovative terms such as investment trade agreements, such as investment and trade agreements and Taiwan zones to achieve similar purposes.In addition, the government moderately integrates upstream and downstream manufacturers, gather more families, and create more employment population, thereby increasing the Indian government on land, tax discounts, green channels, economic and trade operation bases, test area discounts and conveniences.Negotiation chips should also be considered.

Finally, India actively strives for Taiwan's semiconductor to invest in a factory, and Taiwan IC design companies may go to industry -academia cooperation, because India has a semiconductor foundation in the early days.It should be helpful.However, 50 % of the related equipment of semiconductors needs to be imported, and the lack of import -related rent benefits, which lacks inducement to manufacturers.This is also worthy of the government's face -to -laws to obtain Indian -related tax discounts or experimental zones.