Cathay Pacific ’s cheap Air Hong Kong Express (HK Express) update the luggage system, which is pointed out by netizens to increase the price in disguise.

Comprehensive Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Radio website reported that the Hong Kong Express Wednesday (May 8) announced that the new fare options were launched, which increase"Flying lightly", "Economic Flying", "Flying at the Heart" and "Worry -Free Flying".

Among them, "light flying" and "economic flying" do not include the luggage of sending the cabin, and passengers must book separately;

The Hong Kong Express will update the luggage policy at the same time. All the baggage costs of all cabins will be changed to charges, providing two weight options of 20kg and 32kg.

For the changes in the luggage system, Cathay Pacific CEO Lin Shaobo said when attending the shareholders' meeting on Wednesday that Hong Kong Express is a low -cost aviation.The expectations of air ticket prices under the case of sending the cabin.

Some netizens pointed out that the cheapest "light flying" compared with the most expensive "worry -free flying", the difference is more than doubled.In addition, in the past, the meter luggage that purchased Hong Kong Express could be shared with the peers, and now everyone is required to buy the baggage luggage.

Netizens have criticized that the luggage system after the update of Hong Kong Express is a disguised price increase, and it is better to change the traditional airlines in the future.