(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) As the Hong Kong stock market rose day by day, Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that Hong Kong's economy has maintained a momentum, and external demand is ideal than expected.But he pointed out that the peripheral environment is still complex and changing, and there are many uncertainty.

Chen Maobo published a blog post on Sunday (May 5th) that Hong Kong's economy maintained a momentum. The GDP in the first quarter of this year was substantially increased by 2.7%year -on -year, which was an increase in five consecutive quarters.At the same time, the atmosphere of Hong Kong's asset market has been improved, , and the property market has revoked the "spicy tricks" (buying and selling restrictions), the transaction rotation has become active.

Chen Maobo mentioned that one of the main part of the momentum of economic growth in Hong Kong this year comes from the tourism industry and trade.He said that as the number of travelers visiting Hong Kong rose, the service output continued to record a significant increase.In addition, external demand is ideal than expected, so that the overall goods exports have improved in the first few months of this year.

However, Chen Maobo emphasized that the peripheral environment is still complex and changing, and there are many uncertainty.He explained that the US Federal Reserve has maintained interest rates last week. In addition to the stagnation of American inflation in recent months, the market's expectations for US interest rates at the United States this year have significantly cool down from the beginning of the year."Stay for a long time at a high level, which will have an impact on the recovery of global economic recovery, Hong Kong exports, local investment intentions and asset market performance."

Chen Maobo further said that the continuous exchanges of the Hong Kong dollar's exchange rate have also affected the willingness of foreign tourists to go to Hong Kong for consumption, coupled with the changes in the consumption model of Hong Kong citizens and Hong Kong visitors, bringing real -memory challenges to the consumer industry such as Hong Kong and catering.