The Hong Kong Department of Justice and the Asian International Law Research Institute cooperated to produce a set of specials entitled "Far Views and closely look at the International Law", which deepen the deconstruction of international law in different fields.Day) Premiere.

Comprehensive press releases issued by the official website of Sing Tao Daily and the Hong Kong Department of Justice.The daily life of the people includes holiday travel, daily optical fiber, goods, service trade, and climate change.

According to reports, the full version of the 22 -minute version of the first episode premiered on Saturday, and there are also eight episodes of 2 minutes of talks. The 2 -minute essence version will also be played in the MTR car.

Lin Dingguo, director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, delivered a speech at the launch ceremony of the "Far View and Close International Law" on Friday (3rd) that the recent laws of the Hong Kong Special Economic Zone have completed the legislation of the basic law of the Basic Law,The position is supported by the principles of international law, and other countries have no right to directly or indirectly interfere in the internal administration of other countries for any reason. Therefore, other countries and their political, economic, and cultural elements intervene or try to threaten all of them violate international law.

Lin Dingguo also said that under the "one country, two systems" policy, the terms in Chapter 7 of the Basic Law give the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to participate in the power of foreign affairs, including participating in diplomatic negotiations as members of the Chinese government delegation;Economic, trade, finance, shipping, communications, tourism, culture, sports and other fields in the name of "Hong Kong, China", maintaining and developing related agreements with other countries, regions and international organizations alone, and signing and fulfilling related agreements;Important free trade agreements and bilateral investment protection agreements.

Lin Dingguo said that in order to make good use of the unique advantages enjoyed by Hong Kong under the "one country, two systems", and consolidating Hong Kong as an international finance, trade, shipping, and legal center, we must cultivate more people who are familiar with international law.In a complex geopolitical environment, the state faces many legal disputes involving the country. The principle of the country is to adhere to the international order based on international law. To implement this big principle, a large number of talents who are familiar with international law are required.Therefore, Hong Kong must actively provide and cultivate talents in this area.