The Hong Kong government takes measures to revive the property market for a few months, and the real estate transactions registered in Hong Kong in April have doubled, reaching the highest level in three years.

Bloomberg reported that data released by the Hong Kong Land Registration Office last Friday (May 3) showed that the number of transactions has increased to 9,880, an increase of 97%over March to the highest level since July 2021.These include new houses and second -hand housing, commercial units, parking spaces and other non -residential units.

It is reported that the surge in transactions indicate that after the official real estate market restrictions were canceled at the end of February, there was a sign of recovery in the real estate market in Hong Kong.

The main developers in Hong Kong have recently started to sell new projects with large discounts and release more inventory, which has stimulated market activities.

In terms of residential, the number of second -hand housing has reached 5,352 units, the highest level since 13 months, which is almost doubled compared to the 2701 units in March.