China ’s five -day May Golden Week holiday ended last Sunday (May 5).The number of Hong Kong Immigration Department shows that a total of 766,000 people in Mainland China travel to Hong Kong, close to the 800,000 people estimated by the Hong Kong government earlier, bringing over 2 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 345 million) in Hong Kong.

From the perspective of numbers, the number of passengers of 766,000 passengers is still acceptable. After all, Hong Kong has continued to have rain in the past week. Occasionally, red rainstorm warnings have affected many tourists' willingness to come to Hong Kong.If further analysis of the overall performance of Hong Kong's tourism industry in the past few days, it reflects many hidden concerns.

The first is that the attractiveness of Hong Kong is gradually declining. The number of mainland tourists visiting Hong Kong has not reached the level before the crown disease in the past year.All sectors of Hong Kong have prepared various activities for this May 1 Golden Week, including a series of discounts and Victoria Harbor Fireworks Show.Even if Hong Kong has exhausted the power of nine cows and two tigers, the number of visitors to mainland China in the past five days cannot reach the official most conservative prediction level, which is inevitable that it is a bit disappointing.

Second, in recent years, "special forces" have been popular in mainland China, and the economic benefits of Hong Kong's tourism industry have become lower and lower.Due to the increasingly convenient transportation of Hong Kong, many Guangdong people choose to come to Hong Kong a day trip.Taking this May 1 Golden Week as an example, Pingyu spent less than 3,000 Hong Kong dollars per person, and even the price of buying a brand of mobile phones was not available.The Chinese economy has not improved significantly one day, and Ding Cai is not prosperous. I am afraid it will become the new normal of Hong Kong's tourism industry in a short time.

This also confirms the previous views of some people in the industry: As one of the four pillar industries, the tourism industry has made positive contributions to promoting the economic growth of Hong Kong for many years.However, the time of transit has moved. In recent years, the advantages of Hong Kong's tourism industry have gradually disappeared and facing development bottlenecks.

In the face of a new wave of cold winter in Hong Kong's tourism industry, the Hong Kong Government has previously asked the central government for help, hoping to open more mainland cities that go to Hong Kong freely as soon as possible.There are 1.4 billion people in mainland China. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of people have not visited Hong Kong and have a huge potential market.In any case, the tourism industry is a highly market -oriented industry. To maintain the competitiveness of the tourism industry, Hong Kong still needs to rely on its own path.

Throughout the development of the Hong Kong tourism industry over the past 20 years, the Chinese and Western cultural characteristics retained under the "one country, two systems" are the highlights of Hong Kong's most attracting tourists.The problem is that in recent years, Hong Kong society seems to have lost its direction in this regard.

Hong Kong was once a British colony. Some street names are named after British place names or people. Compared with other large cities in the mainland, it looks interesting and special.Since last year, road signs such as McDonald's Road, Hennis Road, and Jordon Road have become the new favorite of mainland tourists to check in, which just shows that Hong Kong maintains the importance of "one country, two systems" characteristics.

Ironically, members of the Hong Kong CPPCC have proposed many years ago that the streets of Hong Kong should be renamed to go to colonies to strengthen the patriotic feelings of Hong Kong people.They misunderstood the "love colonization" of most Hong Kong people, in fact, they are the old feelings that want to maintain collective memories.Otherwise, how to explain how these streets have become popular places for mainland tourists to visit Hong Kong in recent years.

The economic development of Hong Kong is inseparable from mainland China. All sectors of society often say that it is necessary to develop the Hong Kong economy in response to the country's strategic planning.Interestingly, no one seems to think of how Hong Kong's tourism industry cooperates with mainland national policy to discover new tourism ideas in this regard.

For example, the Chinese government proposed red tourism at the end of 2004. It is based on the history of the Chinese government's history as tourist resources, and supports all sectors of society to actively guide and organize young people to tell red stories.In recent years, the mainland has not only tide in the traditional and classic red scenic spots, but some red travel emerging scenic spots have also been popular, attracting many young people.

Hong Kong has been occupied by Japan for more than three years during World War II, and there are also red historical attractions.There are both Saigon Cut Bulu Anti -Japanese Anti -Japanese Monument Park, Yuen Long Takou Panwa and Yangjia Village in Eighteen Township of Yuen Long; there are also many red attractions hidden in the city: the Hall Memorial Park, which is dedicated to 115 Dongjiang column martyrs, Queen of Hong Kong, the Queen of Hong Kong.The former site of the Eighth Route Army in Hong Kong on the second floor of the Avenue ... all recorded the bits and pieces of Hong Kong participating in the Anti -Japanese War.However, the Hong Kong government has not paid much attention to it for many years, and the public has limited understanding of these attractions.

A friend of the tourism industry in the mainland asked me puzzledly. In recent years, the establishment of a political group has demanded that the official red tourism route with Hong Kong characteristics has been demanded to promote the patriotic education of young people and the people in Hong Kong., Attracting mainland government agencies and social groups to participate in this red tourist group, otherwise it will definitely strengthen the Hong Kong tourism industry.

These examples just reflect a major problem in Hong Kong: Since the resume of customs clearance after the epidemic, economic development is still weak, and many people seem to be eating old books.The steps of recovery in Hong Kong's tourism industry are not expected. It is time to think about where to go in the future.

As the high officials in the mainland say, Hong Kong must continue to innovate in the face of new environment to promote development.It is normal for Hong Kong's tourism industry to face difficulties, but there are always more methods than problems.At this time, people in the Hong Kong industry must think more about finding a way to solve problems and turn difficulties into a accelerator of success."The mountains and rivers are doubtful, and there is no way for Liu Dahua." As long as the key points of the problem are taken to the right medicine, the cloud will eventually see the day.