Xie Zhanhuan, director of the Hong Kong Environment and Ecological Bureau, met with the Japanese Minister of Agriculture and Forestry and Aquatic Products, Takahashi Guangnan, etc., and reiterated that Hong Kong was highly concerned about the Japanese Fukushima nuclear waste water.

According to the Hong Kong government news bulletin, Xie Zhanhuan's Friday (May 3) should request that Takahashi Guangnan and the Japanese Consul General Okada Okada for a while will be discussed to discuss Japanese nuclear wastewater discharge.

Xie Zhanhuan reiterated at the meeting that the Japanese side failed to guarantee the purification and diluted device of nuclear waste water discharge can be effectively operated for a long time, nor could it guarantee that emissions would not constitute any potential risks for food safety or even marine ecology.

He said that the Hong Kong Government has the responsibility to ensure the safety and public health in Hong Kong, so it is necessary to take corresponding precautions.The Hong Kong Government will pay close attention to the development of nuclear waste water discharge, obtain more monitoring and scientific data, further examine the impact of Fukushima nuclear waste water discharge on food safety, and will review relevant measures from time to time.If abnormal situations are found, it will not be ruled out that the scope of prohibiting import Japanese products is further tightened.

According to reports, in response to the Japanese government's earlier decision to discharge the Fukushima nuclear power plant nuclear waste water, the Director of the Food and Environment Health Department has issued a food safety order, which is prohibited from the 10 capitals in Japan, Tokyo and Fu in 10 counties in Japan, Fukushi, Fukuchu, and Fu in Japan.Island, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Chiba, Gunma, Tochigi, Niigata, Nagoya, Nagano and Saitama's aquatic products, sea salt and seaweed food imports in Hong Kong.

As for other Japanese aquatic products, sea salt, and seaweed that are not processed or processed, the food safety center under the jurisdiction of the FEHD will also conduct a full radiation level test.The product is not available without the level of radiation.

In addition, all vegetables and fruits, milk, milk drinks and milk powder from Fukushima Prefecture are also prohibited from entering the entrance.The above -mentioned foods from four counties, 城, Chiba, and Gunma near Fukushima Prefecture must be attached to the official radiation certificate and exporter certificate issued by the Japanese executive in order to enter.

As for all frozen or refrigerated odors, meat, poultry, poultry eggs from the above five counties, it must be accompanied by a radiation certificate issued by the official official of Japan to prove that the radiation level of food does not exceed exceeded exceeding the level of food.The guidance limit of the Food Code, otherwise it is also prohibited from entering Hong Kong.