Cui Jianchun, a special commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, met with the Russian Consul General of Hong Kong, Anatoly, said that he hoped that the Consul General would design and develop pragmatic cooperation in Hong Kong and Russia.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, Cui Jianchun met with Anatley on Friday (May 3).Cui Jianchun introduced a new opportunity for the successful practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and the integration of Hong Kong into the overall national development situation. He also hoped that the Consul General would take the 75th anniversary of China -Russia to build and develop pragmatic cooperation in Hong Kong and Russia.

According to the Chinese press release, Anatoly congratulated Cui Jianchun's new manner, saying that the Russian side was firmly optimistic about the prospects of Hong Kong's development, supported a series of measures in China, and will give full play to the rotation chairman of the Russian BRICS cooperation mechanism this year.The advantages of the country have worked closely with the offices and all walks of life in Hong Kong to help build the "Belt and Road".

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong announced on April 16 that the new special agent Cui Jianchun's wife Liang Huili has arrived in Hong Kong.