Statistics of the Hong Kong Building Department shows that more than 9,500 buildings in Hong Kong have not followed the fire safety instructions, of which buildings accounted for the largest proportion of buildings.

Comprehensive Hong Kong News Agency, Ming Pao and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that a rare fire alert in recent years caused at least five deaths and 41 injuries on Wednesday (April 10) in Huafeng Building, Oil Ma TeiIt reveals that Hong Kong buildings have not followed the fire safety instructions seriously.

According to data from the Hong Kong Building Department, as of the end of last year, 9578 buildings in Hong Kong have not complied with fire safety instructions.In the deep water and Central and Western regions, more than a thousand buildings have not followed the fire safety instructions.

As an example of the case of Huafeng Building, the Hong Kong Building Department said that the department had issued fire safety instructions to the building's corporation in 2008 and has not yet been applied.

The Building Department stated that the department will continue to closely follow up with the corporation and consulting company to follow up the required building fire safety improvement project, and has issued a warning letter to the corporation, urging the improvement project as soon as possible, and will be as soon as possible.Consider prosecution when needed.

The Building Department said that the Hong Kong Government is advised to revise the fire safety (building) regulations.Receive the relevant expenses after completion.

In addition, the Hong Kong Fire Department said that after investigation, it was found that there were 11 floors of the Huafeng Building that were damaged, including the first floor of the first floor accused of being fired.The office is investigating a valid annual inspection certificate on the fire protection device and equipment of the building.