A reporter from the Borders said that the organization was originally scheduled to go to Hong Kong to attend the court of Li Zhiying, the founder of Hong Kong One Media Group, but was detained at the airport and then exported to the country.This is the first time that the organization represents was refused to enter Hong Kong or was detained when he arrived in the country.

Reuters and Agence France -Presse reports issued a statement on Wednesday (April 10) that the non -border reporter organization said that the organization's Taipei initiative Aleksandra Bielakowska reached Hong Kong.The International Airport was refused to enter the country, and she was detained for six hours to be questioned. Her luggage was also searched three times.She was finally dismissed and returned to Taipei stationed in Taipei.

A reporter from non -borders said that Hong Kong officials did not explain the reason for Alexandra to be exported to the country, but just vaguely explained that she was detained.Alexandra went to Hong Kong twice in 2023 to attend the court of Li Zhiying.

Cédric Alviani, the chief executive of the East Asian office with her, told Reuters that he was not detained or was questioned, but he has returned to Taipei with Alexandra.The two were originally scheduled to attend Li Zhiying's court news and met with reporters and diplomats.

Li Zhiying was charged with the subversion of the state power and colluding with external forces for violating the Hong Kong National Security Law. If he was convicted, he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Hong Kong officials did not respond to Reuters' comment requests. The Hong Kong Entry -Affairs Office responded to AFP inquiring that it would not comment on individual cases.

Rebecca Vincent, director of international operations without borders, was shocked by colleagues' "unacceptable treatment" and asked the Hong Kong government to explain immediately.

A reporter from non -borders pointed out that Hong Kong officials have adopted unprecedented moves on the organization, showing that the local press freedom has deteriorated further.

A reporters without borders organized the global media freedom index released by last year. Among 180 countries and regions, Hong Kong's degree of press freedom was only 140th, a significant decline from the 73rd in 2019.