Cui Jianchun, a former Chinese ambassador to Nigeria, was appointed as China as ChinaThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a new special agent in the Hong Kong Office.

According to the Xinhua News Agency on Wednesday (April 10), the Central People's Government decided to appoint Cui Jianchun as a special officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs's Special Commissioner of the Special Administrative Region in Hong Kong.

Cui Jianchun replaced Liu Guangyuan, who has been transferred to the deputy director of the Hong Kong Sino -China Association in July last year.In May 2021, Liu Guangyuan was appointed as a special commissioner in Hong Kong and replaced Xie Feng, who was the deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. Liu Guangyuan was removed from the position of special staff in Hong Kong in July last year.

Liu Guangyuan's go to the Central China Office is the vacancy left by the former deputy director Chen Dong. The latter was elected as the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress in January this year.In 2017, Chen Dong went to Hong Kong as the deputy director of the China United Nations Office and returned to Fujian in July last year.

Public information shows that Cui Jianchun was born in July 1964 and worked in China Nuclear Corporation for a long time.General manager of limited liability company.

Before serving as the Minister of the Chinese Embassy in France in 2011, Cui Jianchun was the director of the International Cooperation and Development Department of China Nuclear Industry Group Corporation.After that, Cui Jianchun continued to work in China's diplomatic system. From 2012 to 2021, he successively served as the Chinese Ambassador to Kuwait, Deputy Director of the Consular Division of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ambassador of China in Guineana.Cui Jianchun served as the Chinese ambassador to Nigeria in 2021 until this time.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao passed the newsletter on Wednesday. Welcome the central government to appoint Cui Jianchun as a special officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Special Commissioner of the Special Administrative Region in Hong Kong.

Li Jiachao said that Cui Jianchun is a senior diplomat and has rich experience in abroad. Under his leadership, the Special Commissioner will continue to work closely with the Hong Kong Government to promote various tasks.