The Hong Kong Legislative Council Act Committee completed the review of the 23rd Regulations on the Basic Law on Thursday (March 14). Lin Dingguo, the director of the Hong Kong Law Department, said that 23 legislative work is close to the end.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily Ming Daily and Orange News reported that after the Hong Kong Legislative Council maintained the draft of the National Security Regulations on Wednesday (March 13), after reviewing the work one by one, the amendment was continued on Thursday.The article proposes amendments and is completed at 12:37 noon.

Lin Dingguo said, thanked the members of the provisions to put forward the issue of "to meat", so that the Hong Kong government reflected and revised, and also made Hong Kong citizens more clear the provisions of Article 23 of the Basic Law.

He said that the review of the national security regulations reflects the duties of administrative and legislators, and described Article 23 that the legislative work has "approached the end."

Lin Dingguo said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government must not only submit a homework for nearly 27 years as soon as possible. This homework must also be a high -quality work formulated in strict accordance with the legislative procedures to ensure that high scores can be obtained.Essence

In response to the next step of legislative procedures, Liao Changjiang, chairman of the bill committee, said that he made an oral report at the meeting on Friday (March 15).Some members predict that the draft will restore second and third reading as soon as Wednesday (March 20) as soon as possible.

In this amendment review, many members pay attention to the provisions of Article 63A about the "Shadow Organization of the Forbidden Organization".Xiao Minxuan, a commissioner of the Hong Kong Department of Law, said that the concept behind the provision is to prohibit someone from continuing to act in the name of being banned.

Liao Liqi, deputy secretary -general of the Security Bureau, believes that it does not rule out that the organization is similar to the banned organization, but it is not enough to become a "shadow organization";The establishment of a new organization, but the method of acting is similar; in this case, the Security Director still has the right to take measures and give a penalty.

In addition, Article 19 Regarding the provisions of "inciting public officials to leave the rebellion", the Hong Kong government amend the definition of "public officials", which indicates that the Chief Executive and the Executive Council can point out that a certain type of person can indicate that a certain type of person is a public office personnel.Essence