After the crown disease epidemic, Hong Kong society quickly recovered the lively.I attended a lecture last Friday and listened to a scholar analyzed how to tell the story of Hong Kong.After leaving the scene, my friends who hosted the event took me to stay and dinner with the speaker at a nearby restaurant.

Perhaps the relationship between Friday. Many people chose to go out to eat with relatives and friends that night. The restaurants in a common business on weekdays were rare.The restaurant manager told us that there was only one hour of dining time.

In recent years, the Hong Kong food industry, especially small and medium -sized restaurants, has a popular time -limited culture of restaurants. Sometimes diners are eager to accept this rule.But the restaurant can only have a meal for an hour. We met for the first time.Everyone looked at each other and was ready to go to other restaurants.Seeing the momentum of the restaurant, the restaurant manager changed his mouth to give us an hour and a half.

That's what the saying goes, the restaurant still uses some tricks to force us to leave as soon as possible.We sat down to order good dishes. After more than ten minutes, a lot of dishes were sent to the table, and everyone gobbled.After meals, the waiter immediately came over to clean up the remaining things, implying that we wanted to buy a single seat.A meal of chat and communication hurriedly ended within an hour and a half.

Afterwards, we concluded a conclusion: The level of food in this restaurant is acceptable, but the level of service is really dare to compliment.

The recovery speed of the Hong Kong tourism industry after the epidemic industry is not as good as expected. Last year, there were only 34 million tourists visiting Hong Kong, which was a lot less compared to the 65 million people during the peak in 2018.What's even more, not only did passengers come to Hong Kong, but even Hong Kong people also "abandoned" Hong Kong and ran to Shenzhen for consumption.Hong Kong shopping malls and restaurants are cold every weekend, and the retail and catering industry is bitter.

Tourism is one of the important pillars of Hong Kong's economy, and has attracted many mainland Chinese tourists for many years.However, Hong Kong's tourism industry has long been dependent on shopping for a long time, and it is becoming more and more single, which can no longer meet the diversified needs of mainland tourists. In addition, the level of service -related services related to tourism in recent years has even made many tourists avoid Hong Kong.

In the past year, many mainland friends have spit hard after traveling in Hong Kong, saying that the waiters of Hong Kong restaurants and tea restaurants seem to be irritable.It is consumer.

In fact, the service attitude is not surprising in the Hong Kong food industry.Some restaurants have even set up some unreasonable rules, including restricting time dining, not allowing guests to choose seats, requesting diners to fight tables, etc., so that people can eat their stomachs.

In addition to the catering industry, whether it is Hong Kong or tourists, the service attitude of the retail industry employees in Hong Kong has also been complained in the past.Recently, a member of the Legislative Council recalled that after eating a large shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui earlier, he asked a customer service staff in the mall.Another member also complained to Yang Runxiong, the director of the Cultural, Sports and Tourism Bureau at the Legislative Council meeting, that when he was "despised" when he was chatting with two service staff at the top of the famous tourist attractions in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's taxi (Delta) parliament resumed the investigation of "Taxidal Service Quality" for three years due to the epidemic, and visited 1,211 Delsm passengers in Hong Kong.It was found that the quality score of Dushi's service was 7 points from the epidemic, only 58.4 points, and the lowest score of "driver treats guests" reflects that the level of service of the Hong Kong Dershm driver is not as good as before.

According to the reason, the service industry is an important industry in Hong Kong, and the quality of the citizens of Hong Kong people is generally good, but why do many employees in the tourism industry related to the tourism industry "suffer a face"?In the final analysis, this is related to Hong Kong's unique urban culture.

There are fewer people in Hong Kong, and the rent has always been high.In order to maintain income, most restaurants can only pursue the turnover rate and are committed to customers who serve the most in a limited time.Many restaurants are in the busy "welcome" state from morning to night. When they encounter slow -moist diners, they often throw eyes with white eyes and even evil words.

In addition, the working hours of migrant workers in Hong Kong are long, and the average daily work of diet and retail employees is commonplace for ten hours a day.Normal people stand for more than ten hours every day, it is difficult to keep smiling for a long time.

In the past three years, immigration has appeared in Hong Kong, and the industry has insufficient hands, and the retail catering industry is particularly serious.In the first half of last year, nearly 85%of the surveys found that nearly 85%of the wholesale retailers had a long -term manual shortage, which further worsened the industry's service level.At the same time, Hong Kong's unemployment rate has been maintained at about 3% in recent years, almost all of them.Most of the waiters are not worried that they can't find a job.

It can be said that the politeness of Hong Kong's catering and retail industry has a long history, and it has even become a stubborn disease, but it has become more serious recently.There was no more tolerance before, but as the service level of Shenzhen, such as Shenzhen, continued to improve, the issue of Hong Kong was highlighted and attracted the attention of the outside world.

"This service attitude today is not enough!" Andy Lau's classic dialogue of "Walking for the Winning of Quality Services" more than 20 years ago has become a hospitality indicator in the Hong Kong service industry.At present, Hong Kong is focusing on the development of tourism, and the new fiscal budget that has just been announced has proposed polite movement for the first time.If this problem is not resolved as soon as possible, the status of Hong Kong's "Capital" will only become more and more consolidated, affecting Hong Kong's external image and economic recovery.