Hong Kong's former financial affairs and treasury director Ma Shiheng believes that after the 23rds of the Hong Kong Basic Law are completed, Hong Kong's folk forces should explain to the West, not a flood beast, because the West does not fully understand this.

Ma Shiheng said in an exclusive interview published on Monday (March 11) by Ming Pao that in the past few years, among the five pillar industries in Hong Kong, the bond market, banking industry, insurance industry, and asset management have developed a lot of development., It's just that the stock market loses.

Ma Shiheng continued, "European and American funds really withdraw from the market", but this is only one of the reasons for the market. The most important thing is that the market in Hong Kong is closely related to mainland China.Real estate problems and local debt problems have an impact on consumption. The small wounds of the mainland, Hong Kong will be injured.

Regarding how Hong Kong should attract European and American funds to re -enter the market, he said that Hong Kong must actively explain to foreign businessmen in Hong Kong and go out more proactive.

Ma Shiheng said, "The United States is indeed not so friendly to us, but I think we still have to do something to tell their business and their people.Black and gray government now has a lot of constraints.

He pointed out that the people's explanation is very important. "Especially this year, the United States wants to cancel Hong Kong's economic and trade offices. If the president of the United States takes this order, we will be troublesome to withdraw from the United States."

Ma Shiheng believes that the Hong Kong Trade Development Agency and others can organize groups and lead the business community to explain to the outside world. Especially after the 23rds of the Basic Law are completed, Hong Kong's folk forces will explain to the West.Not completely clear.

Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law of the Hong Kong Basic Law ended on February 28, and more than 90 % of the written opinions supported the Hong Kong government legislation.However, the United States and the United Kingdom are worried that 23 Legislative Council will destroy Hong Kong's "one country, two systems".British Foreign Minister Cameron issued a statement that the current plan for the Hong Kong Government has not fulfilled the Basic Law Sino -British joint statement and the obligations in the International Covenant, affecting Hong Kong people to exercise freedom and rights, and strongly urged the Hong Kong government to re -consider the plan.

The U.S. State Department also issued a statement, questioning the definition of "overseas intervention" and "national secrets" in 23 proposed crimes, and the official may use the methods of arrest and detention to fight abnormalities.The statement also believes that 23 articles plus the Hong Kong National Security Law will weaken the freedom and rights of Hong Kong residents.