The US Ambassador to China Burns launched a two -day visits in Hong Kong on Monday (March 11) in Hong Kong.

Comprehensive Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported that the American Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau said that the US Consul General in Hong Kong, Mei Rui, received the visit to Berns from March 11th to 12th.The spokesman did not explain the purpose and specific itinerary of Bernus's visit to Hong Kong.

Ming Pao said that according to the outside world, this is the first visit to Hong Kong after Bernus' US ambassador to China in 2022.

Bernus met with members of the board of directors of the American Chamber of Commerce on the first day of Hong Kong and visited the campus of the University of Chicago in Mosering Ridge, Hong Kong. The next day, he visited the Foreign Press Conference and M+Museum.

It is revealed that Bernes held a non -public closed -door meeting with a member of the press conference on Tuesday with a press conference on Tuesday.On the afternoon, Bernus visited the M+Museum to visit the Hick Exhibition Hall, which exhibited modern Chinese art under the explanation of the curator Hua Anya, and then took a group photo with Mei Ruui and others in Victoria Harbor.

When Bernus visited Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government was conducting legislative work on the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law. Western countries worry that 23 legislation will exacerbate the original Sino -US relations.

People familiar with the matter said that Bernus's trip was to collect business and media representatives on Hong Kong in the context of Sino -US relations. 23 legislation is only one of the series issues.