The chairman of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission recommends that mainland China will reduce investor participation in participationThe threshold of the stock interoperability mechanism to promote the liquidity and transactions of the stock market.

According to the Bloomberg Society on Monday (March 11), the chairman of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission Lei Tianliang suggested during the participation of the National People's Congress in Beijing to the extension of the Shanghai -Shenzhen -Hong Kong Standard.From the current 500,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about 95,000 yuan) has been reduced to 100,000 yuan.

Lei Tianliang believes that reducing the threshold will provide more opportunities to invest in the Hong Kong stock market for SMEs in mainland China, and will also improve the liquidity of the Hong Kong market.

As China's economic growth is weak, the Hong Kong market is facing the decline in transaction volume and the lack of the first public offering (IPO) transactions.In order to promote transactions last year, Hong Kong reduced the stamp duty of stocks.

Averaging 108 billion yuan on the Northbound Trading Day last year, and a total of HK $ 31 billion (about S $ 5.2 billion) on the southward trading day.The southward transaction fell 2%from 2022.

Lei Tianliang also suggested that optimizing the dividend dividend dividend taxation arrangement and enhancing the attractiveness of the Hong Kong stock market and the A -share market.

In addition, he suggested encouraging domestic companies in other overseas markets to apply for listing in Hong Kong simultaneously, which will help enterprises to effectively reduce the risk of being forced to delist from overseas due to geopolitical factors.

Since the regulatory rectification of private enterprises in mainland China in recent years has affected the confidence of investor in private enterprises and also brought negative disturbances to the Hong Kong capital market.Promoting prudential.

Lei Tianliang said that policies that have a significant impact on the capital market should pay attention to coordination with the financial management department to maintain the stability and consistency of the policy, and improve the transparent and publicity of policies.