The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has strongly condemned the Anti -China Foundation of the Hong Kong Free Council to scare the central government and Hong Kong government officials.

The Hong Kong Government issued a bulletin on Sunday (March 10) that strongly condemned the Anti -China Foundation of the Hong Kong Free Council Foundation openly demanding that the United States and officials of the central government and Hong Kong government, especially officials participating in Article 23 of the Basic Law,Implement sanctions and slander the draft of the preservation of national security regulations (hereinafter referred to as the draft regulations).Relevant behavior may constitute "collusion with foreign or overseas forces to harm national security crimes under the Hong Kong National Security Law.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government said that the draft regulations is being reviewed at the Legislative Council Act Committee.The Foundation of the Hong Kong Free Council attempts to collate foreign or overseas forces. At this time, the central government and Hong Kong Government officials who blame their duties at this time have made sanctions, trying to intimidate them, completely ignoring Hong Kong's legislative procedures to fully show their humble intentions. The Hong Kong GovernmentStrong condemnation.

The spokesman pointed out that the wanted criminal Xu Yingting is the backbone member of the Foundation of the Hong Kong Free Council. The organization has launched anti -China operations many times, including the request for sanctions to the central and Hong Kong government officials, and the Hong Kong economic and trade service in the United States is requiredPlaces to wait.The organization said earlier that he was not anti -China, and it was obviously inconsistent with the facts.

The act of the Foundation of the Hong Kong Free Council also confirms the draft of the Regulations. It is recommended that the need for the measures that are charged with hazards of national security crimes, including prohibiting providing or processing their funds to the fighters, and revoking Hong Kong to revoke Hong Kong.Passports, etc.In addition, measures are also necessary to ensure the handling of personnel involved in national security cases or jobs, so that relevant personnel can handle the work and maintaining national security work without worries, thereby consolidating and strengthening the law enforcement forces to maintain national security.

The spokesman said that, in fact, the draft regulations will respect and guarantee the establishment of human rights to maintain the basic principles of national security legislation, and clearly stipulate that protection in accordance with the law in accordance with the law and two international human rights conventions shall be enjoyed.Rights and freedom.The Hong Kong Government will continue to be fearless to maintain national security, complete legislative work as soon as possible, and complete legislation one day, and the risk of national security threats will be one day less.

The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong (CFHK) Foundation) issued a statement on Saturday (9th) to strongly oppose the draft of the Hong Kong Government to promote the Hong Kong Basic Law.Twenty -three Articles, they also called on the US government to impose sanctions on officials of the central government and Hong Kong Government, especially those who participate in Article 23 of the Basic Law. At the same time, they also need to close the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the United States.